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Press Statement Regarding Testing (In Spanish)


CONDADO DE UNION, NJ—Comenzando el lunes, la Junta de Legisladores del Condado de Union, en conjunto con sus asociados gubernamentales, educacionales y de cuidado de salud, abrirán el primer centro en el estado de New Jersey con facilidad de pasar sin desmontarse de su auto para ser examinado para el COVID-19 virus en Kean University.

Por favor tome nota que los exámenes son solamente por previa cita y usted sebre ser inscrito a través de su doctor, o su proveedor de salud. Los residentes del Condado de Union, y el personal que responde a las emergencias del Condado de Union, quienes han sido notificados por su doctor o proveedor de salud que sean examinados para el COVID-19, deben tener una receta y haber sido inscrito por su doctor y tener una cita para poder pasar por el centro. Esta es la única forma de poder ser examinado. Para la seguridad y salud de los voluntarios en el centro, no se permitirán pacientes que no vengan en autos entrar al campo Universitario, aunque tengan una receta y cita. Si no tiene transporte, por favor discuta con su doctor antes de solicitar la cita.

También si usted piensa que puede tener los síntomas del COVID-19, hay una herramienta de autoevaluación que ha sido desarrollada por el Estado de of New Jersey. Esta herramienta puede asistirle en determinar que acciones puede tomar para proteger a su familia y a usted mismo, para saber si necesita ser examinado para el virus COVID-19, y puede encontrarla en

Este centro del Condado de Union para ser examinado para el COVID 19 por medio de su carro es ejecutado por el Condado en conjunto con el Overlook Medical Center (Atlantic Health System) en Summit, el Trinitas Regional Medical Center en Elizabeth, y Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJ Barnabas Health) en Rahway. La Junta de Legisladores, el Administrador del Condado y su personal ha trabajado con los Senadores del Estado Joseph P. Cryan, Nicholas P. Scutari, Gobernador Phil Murphy, Kean University, y el Departamento de Salud del Estado de New Jersey.

Union County to open State’s 1st County-run Drive Through COVID-19 Testing Center

UNION COUNTY, NJ – Beginning Monday, the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders, in conjunction with governmental, educational and healthcare partners, will open the state’s first County-run, drive-through facility for testing of the COVID-19 virus at Kean University. For the full press release, please download or read the attachment.

Message from Linden Fire Department

Please be advised that as of March 17, 2020, Fire Prevention as well as all of the Fire Houses are closed to the public. Anyone who needs applications from Fire Prevention can download them. Once the forms are filled out, they can either be mailed or dropped into the bin that will be outside Fire Prevention entrance during regular business hours Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

Read More

Tax Department Payment Update

Dear Tax Payers & Public,

Please note that as of Wednesday March 18, 2020, City Hall will be closed to the public. In an effort to make this change more of an easy transition, there will be a drop off box at the Police Department for checks. Please bring an envelope clearly marked “Tax Collector”. If you do not have one, there will be some available. Please seal and place in the slot on the left of the desk. These will be picked up the next morning and processed as such. I would appreciate no cash being left, as we will be unable to present a receipt for you at the time of payment. Online payments are accepted here. Click here to be taken to the Tax Collector’s page.


Stacey L. Carron, CTC

Note from the Mayor

Dear Linden Residents:

We know you are concerned about the coronavirus (COVID-19). As your Mayor, I want you to know that your safety is our top priority. For the safety of our residents, I have met with City Department heads, Police and Fire Departments, and the Linden School District leaders to make sure protocols for all are in place. To date, the following have been put in place:

  • City Hall will continue to be cleaned and sanitized on a daily basis, putting importance on those common areas where our residents and visitors interact
  • The City will cancel events on a case by case basis
  • Police and Fire have protocols in place to protect their employees and the residents that they serve
  • PAL has suspended Basketball for the season.

We are monitoring this situation and every day I am on a conference call with the County Manager, who speaks with the Governor, his staff and the State Dept of Health prior to the conference call with the county Mayors. Should anything new arise I will be sure to update you. Please don’t hesitate, should you have questions or concerns to call our Linden Department of Health at 908-474-8420. You can also call NJ Department of Health hotline at 1-800-222-1222 to ask questions about the Novel Coronavirus.

You can also get up to date information on the New Jersey Department of Health and the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention websites.

Please remember the Coronavirus spreads through contact with respiratory droplets caused by coughing and sneezing. You should be using the same prevention methods as you would to avoid a common cold or the flu. The best ways to protect yourself include:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
  • Try to avoid touching your face.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home from school or work when you are sick.

Because it is still cold and flu season, doctors’ offices and urgent care centers continue to see a significant number of patients with symptoms like fever, cough and body aches. Right now, if you’re feeling ill, it is still much more likely to be a cold or the flu rather than the coronavirus. As with the flu, most people who get coronavirus only experience mild viral symptoms such as fever, cough, muscle pain or weakness, and fatigue, and will experience a complete recovery.

The Centers for Disease Control says those infected with the virus may experience fever, cough, and shortness of breath within two to 14 days of exposure. Residents who are concerned they’ve contracted the virus, should self-quarantine and immediately call their family physician, should your doctor not be able to be reached please call the NJ Coronavirus hotline at 1-800-222-1222.

Stay safe,

Mayor Derek Armstead

Local Company Partners with City to Improve Safety Around Schools

A Linden company is working with Police to get drivers to slow down around a number of local schools. The Phillips 66 Bayway Refinery donated $45,000 to the Police Department in October of last year. The money was used to purchase a total of ten radar speed signs that display the speed of approaching vehicles to warn drivers when they are speeding. For more information, read the press release.

Picture (left to right) are Supervisor of Traffic Maintenance Tyrone Givens, Police Chief Dave Hart, Traffic Bureau Commander Lt. Chris Guenther, Phillips 66 Community Relations Coordinator Mary Phillips, Accident Review Committee Chairwoman Councilwoman Lisa Ormon, Phillips 66 Manager of Public Affairs Nancy Sadlon, 4th Ward Councilman Alfred Mohammed, Mayor Derek Armstead, and Director of Community Services Nick Pantina.

Coronavirus [COVID-19]

Given the rise of the Coronavirus [COVID 19] as a global health concern, we want to assure the community that our office is working closely with the Health Department, to ensure that residents are educated and prepared for the evolving situation. The following is up-to-date information regarding this developing concern. The New Jersey Department of Health hotline is 1-800-222-1222 or 1-800-962-1253 (if using out-of-state phone line) for the public to ask questions about the 2019 Novel Coronavirus.

We would also like to remind all members of our community, there are everyday preventive actions that can be taken to help limit the spread of respiratory viruses; including the Coronavirus and flu. Common measures the CDC recommends for the general public include:Avoid close contact with people who are sick.Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. (Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, if soap and water is not available).