- Contacts Information
- Event Information
- Attachments
- Commissary Agreement
- Certification
- Please include with your application a drawing of the booth layout that includes all cooking and cold/hot holding equipment, hand washing as well as a menu. Incomplete applications will delay the approval process.
- Applicant is responsible for obtaining all other required city, county, and/or state approvals/inspections prior to the event.
- Provide copy of current and valid Satisfactory Placard and license for that commissary (if applicable).
Temporary retail food establishment license fee is $30.00. This fee is waived if the applicant operates a licensed retail food establishment within Linden.
License Fee
Applicant Signature
The undersigned do hereby apply for a license to operate a food business in the {[CNAME]}. I/We agree to abide by the regulations and ordinances of the Township and the State of New Jersey.