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Author: City of Linden

Day Camp CDC Guidelines

2021 Summer Day Camp Reopening Plan

We are excited to reopen the Summer Day Camp program for in-person activities for 2021. Our Day Camp program is more important than ever for Linden’s youth for several reasons: Giving children the opportunity to socialize, providing working parents with safe childcare, and providing an opportunity for children to have a routine and return to a sense of normalcy (Lupert, 2021, Par. 6-7). However, the main priority is the health and safety of our participants. By combining these elements, we aim for our participants have a safe, enjoyable, and transformative experience in the parks and facilities of the City of Linden. The Day Camp Reopening Plan is guided by the New Jersey 2021 COVID-19 Youth Summer Camp Standards Guidelines. Thus, please note that this plan is tentative and may be changed at any time based on updated guidance from the appropriate authorities.

Click here to view and/or download the full Parks & Recreation 2021 Summer Day Camp Reopening Plan.

May 10, 2021 Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Notice

The City of Linden, Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting has been scheduled for Monday, May 10, 2021 at 7pm. The Meeting will be conducted electronically. Attendance will be via RingCentral due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Official action will be taken and portions of the meeting may be held in executive session.

Click here to join the meeting without registering.

Members of the public who may be attending are on mute until the public hearing or during the  public comment portion of the meeting. If you wish to be recognized please use the raised hand icon, in the program, to identify yourself. You will then give your name and address. Failure to do so, will result in you being muted, and not recognized further. If you are registered more than once you will only be recognized to speak only  one time, under your first registration. When public comment is opened, the ability to register will be closed. The Zoning Board Agenda and all other relevant documents will be posted on the City of Linden website.

Members of the public can submit questions or comments in writing no later than 2pm on both meeting days here or by fax at (908) 474-8497. Please include your name and address in the correspondence and the subject of  the email should be “public meeting comment or question”.

Rebecca Tattoli

Zoning Board Secretary

Click here to view and/or download a PDF of this notice.

Ballot Drop Boxes Are Open

Ballot drop boxes opened on April 23, 2021 and are doing daily pick-ups since April 24th. The county clerk is NOT mailing ballots to every voter. Rather, ballots are being mailed to all voters who are on the “All Future Elections” list. The first mailing is approximately 35,000 ballots. Every ballot thereafter will be sent to voters who request on.

The Linden Drop Box is located at the Raymond Wood Bauer Promenade, at 400 North Wood Avenue.

For a list of all Drop Boxes, click here to view and/or download the PDF.

Linden Fire Department to Host Annual Junior Fire Academy

Registration for the Linden Fire Department’s annual Junior Fire Academy is now open! The Academy will meet daily from 8am until 3pm beginning on Monday, June 28, 2021 and conclude on Friday, July 2, 2021. After the conclusion of the academy, there will be a graduation ceremony for the recruits in which a limited amount of family and friends are welcomed to attend.

The five-day program offers Linden youth graduating grades 7th and 8th an opportunity to learn about the fire service. Through a series of lectures, demonstrations, and fun hands-on activities presented by members of the Linden Fire Department, the “recruits” will learn about fire safety and Linden Fire Department Operations. Some of the topics that will be covered are: Fire Safety, Engine and Ladder Company Operation’s, Car Extrication, Rope Rescue, HazMat/Decon and First Aid/CPR. All of the training will take place at the Union County Fire Academy which is conveniently located in Linden.   

“The Junior Fire Academy provides an opportunity to educate the recruits about the Linden Fire Department, the services we provide and enlighten them on the possibility of a future career in firefighting”, said Deputy Fire Chief Kevin Brady.

The program is offered free of charge, however, space is limited. Applications are available at Fire Headquarters; located at 302 South Wood Avenue, or online here.

Applications must be completed and returned to Fire Headquarters by 3pm on Thursday, May 13, 2021. No late applications will be accepted.

For more information, contact Deputy Chief Kevin Brady.

2021 Arbor Celebration

School Two celebrated Arbor Day on April 30, 2021 with a ceremony which also honored long time crossing guards Mike and Maggie Smith.One Linden tree was planted on West 17th Street in the spring of 2020, but the ceremony was postponed due to the global pandemic.

Notice RE Shade Tree Commission Revised May 6th, 2021 Meeting Notice for COVID-19 Due to International Health Crisis

The regular meeting of the Linden Shade Tree Commission will be held at 7pm. The meeting will be held electronically due to current health emergency, as declared by the Governor of New Jersey, limiting personal contact and public gatherings. The public may offer comment, at appropriate times by voice when the meeting is open for public comment in the program, or by submitting written comment no later than 12pm. prevailing local time, on the date of the meeting to the Commission Chairman/Secretary by email or by fax to (908) 474-8451. Please include your name and address in the correspondence and title emails “public meeting comment.” Please keep your microphone muted until the public comment portion of the meeting. Official action may be taken at this meeting. Portions of the meeting may be held in Executive Session.