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Affordable New Jersey Communities for Homeowners and Renters (ANCHOR) Program – Public Events

Several community and local governments are hosting free events to help you participate in the Affordable New Jersey Communities for Homeowners and Renters (ANCHOR) program. Apply today for up to $1500 in property tax relief.

Click here to view the ANCHOR program public events schedule. Bring your government issued photo ID to the event.

Division of Taxation staff will be present at these events to:

Linden’s AristaCare at Parkside Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Marks the Official Launch of the State-of-the-Art Facility

Newly Renovated Sub Acute Unit in Nursing Home Brings Manhattan Aesthetic to Linden, NJ

A ribbon-cutting ceremony marked the Grand Re-Opening of AristaCare at Parkside, formerly known as AristaCare at Delaire, on January 26, 2023. The newly renovated Sub Acute Unit in Nursing Home brings Manhattan aesthetic to Linden, NJ.

The event was attended by Mayor Armstead and First Lady Danie Orelien, who officially cut the ribbon to celebrate the completion of the facility’s renovation. The event was a success and attended by many dignitaries, city officials, and members of the community.

AristaCare, a leading provider of senior care and rehab services, has undergone a comprehensive renovation at its facility in Linden, to improve the quality of life for residents. The upgrades include state-of-the-art technology, comfortable living spaces, a brand-new therapy gym with equipment, and a range of cultural programs with educational activities.

“We feel the residents of Linden, Roselle, Rahway, and all of Union County deserve the same upscale experience as seniors that may be living in Manhattan,” said Robert Greenberger, AristaCare Health Services’ Executive Director. “These renovations give our seniors that option. The five-star hotel environment that our building now embodies, matches the five-star level of care that we provide. We are proud to be able to offer this to our community!” 

Mayor Derek Armstead expressed his excitement about the re-opening and praised the efforts of AristaCare in serving the local community. “The renovations at Parkside are a testament to the organization’s commitment to providing top-notch care for seniors,” said Mayor Armstead. “I am proud to be part of this celebration and wish them continued success in their mission.” 

Raphaela Pavovano, Assistant Administrator AristaCare Health Services said “I have been employed in the building for over a decade and I am so proud to see how the facility is now on a totally different level.”

The ribbon-cutting ceremony was followed by a tour of the renovated facilities, showcasing the new amenities and improvements. AristaCare at Parkside is now accepting new residents for sub-acute rehab, long-term care, respite, and assisted living services and is inviting the community to come and see the changes for themselves.

Affordable New Jersey Communities for Homeowners and Renters (ANCHOR) – Historic Property Tax Relief

The ANCHOR program provides property tax relief to New Jersey residents who owned or rented their principal residence (main home) on October 1, 2019, and met the income limits. Apply today for up to $1500 in property tax relief.

  • For more information, or to apply click here or call (877) 568-2972.
  • The deadline for filing your ANCHOR benefit application is February 28, 2023.

SNAP Benefits to Change Starting March 1st, 2023

Important update for SNAP households:

  • Emergency extra SNAP benefits expire February 28, 2023.
  • Due to a recent change in federal law, the extra temporary benefits SNAP recipients have received, known as SNAP Emergency Allotments, is coming to an end.
  • This means the regular SNAP benefit will resume starting March 1, 2023. The minimum monthly SNAP benefit in New Jersey is now $50.
  • For more information, click here.
  • To view and/or download the NJ SNAP benefits infographic, click here.

Linden Police Department Community Meeting

Mayor Derek Armstead, the City of Linden, and the Linden Police Department invite you to attend the Linden Police Department Community Meeting. Meet Mayor Armstead, Chief Hart, and many of the Police Officers who work in your neighborhood.

Click here to view and/or download the informational flyer for this event.

  • What: Linden Police Department Community Meeting. Learn about various Police Department Programs and discuss crime and traffic concerns in your neighborhood.
  • Where: John T. Gregorio Recreation Center, which is located at 330 Helen Street.
  • When: Thursday, February 16, 2023 at 7pm.
  • How: For more information, contact Captain Christopher Guenther via email here.

Complete Fitness Program

Mayor Derek Armstead, the City of Linden, and the Department of Parks & Recreation are pleased to offer Complete Fitness.

Click here to view and/or download the informational flyer for this program.

  • Who: Open to all adults 18+ years of age.
  • What: Eight week fitness program that will develop and reinforce healthy lifestyles and behaviors. The Complete Fitness classes will allow participants to engage in a variety of physical fitness activities that will help to establish lifelong fitness goals.
  • Where: Linden Multi Purpose Center, which is located at 1025 John Street.
  • When: The Complete Fitness program begins on Wednesday, February 15, 2023. The program will be held weekly on Wednesdays for eight weeks from 7pm until 8pm.
  • How: Program fee is $50, plus a $6 annual insurance fee. First time registrants must set up and account and pay an annual $6 registration fee. Register online here, or register in person at the John T. Gregorio Center (330 Helen Street) from 9am until 4pm, or at the Linden Multi Purpose Center (1025 John Street) from 9am until 7pm. All locations accept checks, money orders, Visa, Mastercard, and online payment accepted. For more information, call (908) 474-8639.

Mayor Derek Armstead Challenges Governor Phil Murphy

Critical information for all Linden residents.

Dear Linden Residents, 

There is something critical I need to bring to everyone’s attention. 

All residents must be made aware of an egregious New Jersey Health Benefits Plan cost increase set into motion by the Governor’s office in New Jersey. If the current plan is allowed to come into effect, then while state employees will only experience a 3% increase in their contribution, municipalities will sustain a catastrophic 22.8% increase in their contributions. This translates into an additional $3,292,054 annually for Linden, which is unacceptable. 

On December 21, 2022 at 3pm I called into Ask the Governor, which is a monthly live show on channel News 12 New Jersey, and I challenged the Governor to explain why it is acceptable to burden local taxpayers with the significant increase in the municipal contributions toward the New Jersey Health Benefits Plan. The Governor’s explanations are factually inaccurate, and unfortunately I was cut off from the live call and unable to respond to his rebuttal. This link will show you what happened on the call

The 22.8% increase will almost certainly cause municipalities throughout the State of New Jersey to increase their property taxes to meet this new financial burden, and may also cause an unprecedented number of layoffs and hiring freezes statewide. To be clear, this increase affects all homeowners AND RENTERS in the State of New Jersey, not only in Linden. When property taxes go up, this means that rent also increases, because the property owners must find additional revenue to meet the new financial demands resulting from the property tax increase.

My finance team and I are working around the clock in an effort to solve this calamity without the State’s assistance, and I can really use your help! When you have time, please contact the Governor’s office by clicking hereselect “Taxation” from the Topic dropdown, select “Property Tax” from the “Select a sub-topic” dropdown and then paste the following italicized text into the message field on their contact form page. The italicized text below is from my own letter that I sent to the Governor’s office in November, 2022. 

I am writing to you as a resident of the great City of Linden. The announcement by the State Health Benefits Commission that municipalities will receive an approximately 25% increase in the cost of health benefit premiums is incomprehensible. Such a one year drastic raise in health benefit premium costs will be devastating to Linden residents. Not only will the City’s costs increase, but also the trickle down increase from the County will be a double hit to me and my fellow residents. The residents of the City of Linden simply cannot afford the determination of the Commission.

The health premium increase of nearly 23% with a 2% margin means an additional $3,300,000.00 tax increase to our residents. Linden is a hardworking, blue collar municipality. With an average home assessed value of $132,683.00, this multimillion dollar burden will cost Linden residents 12.5 tax points, with an additional increase coming from the County. With police and fire emergency calls increasing almost 10% in 2022 over 2021, we cannot make service cuts.

This health benefit increase is not sustainable for the City. On behalf of me and my fellow residents, I must call for your Office to take action to have the Commission renegotiate rate plan premiums which are affordable and sustainable. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter! 

Thank you in advance for your help. With any questions, please call my office at (908) 474-8493.

Linden Wins $350,000 Grant to Plant Trees

The City of Linden was awarded $350,000 in New Jersey’s Natural Climate Solutions Grants (NCS) program. Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner Shawn M. LaTourette announced this and other grants on Wednesday to underscore the important role natural resources have in sequestering carbon to meet the Garden State’s greenhouse gas goals.

The City of Linden will plant 540 trees across eight Blue Acres-acquired lots and three City-owned, partially Green Acres-funded parks and lots in the Tremley Point region, including Sgt. A. Wales Memorial Park and Louis Avenue Park. The City will pair this work with a public outreach effort that includes educational signage at each site and a public tree planting event with the community.

“The City of Linden is proud to be a recipient of DEP’s NCS grant program,” said Linden’s Mayor Derek Armstead. “These funds will enable us to plant over 500 trees and install educational signage across several barren Blue Acres-acquired properties and City-owned parks in our Tremley Point region. This project will help reduce the urban heat island effect, help sequester carbon, create wildlife habitat and enhance green space in our Environmental Justice Community.”