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Scam Alert

Mayor Armstead is warning residents of a dangerous and effective new scam telling New Jersey residents that they need to provide their bank account information via phone, email, or social media message in order to “receive” their $1,200 federal stimulus check. Any person who calls, emails, or messages you and tells you that you need to give them your bank account information in order to receive your stimulus check or to receive it more quickly is lying. You do not need to provide any information to any person calling or emailing in order to receive these funds.

Help for Small Businesses

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act allocated $350 billion to help small businesses keep workers employed amid the pandemic and economic downturn. Known as the Paycheck Protection Program, the initiative provides 100% federally guaranteed loans to small businesses who maintain their payroll during this emergency.

Importantly, these loans may be forgiven if borrowers maintain their payrolls during the crisis or restore their payrolls afterward. The administration will soon release more details including the list of lenders offering loans under the program.

The administration will soon release more details including the list of lenders offering loans under the program, and please visit the SBA’s website for more information.

From Mayor Derek Armstead

Linden Residents,

As each day passes more people are tested and the numbers of those infected increases. We have lost so many Linden residents to COVID-19. Our hearts go out to those families as they mourn the loss of those they love. Please keep them in your prayers. I have a few timely requests for every Linden resident. Please… 

  • keep everyone that has suffered from this virus in your prayers.
  • follow the CDC Guidelines to ensure everyone’s safety. 
  • stay home unless you are going out for essential items.
  • practice social distancing at all times.
  • stay home if you are sick.

We are all in this together, and we will continue working together to beat this.

Remember, to effectively communicate the latest COVID-19 information to our residents transparently and as quickly as possible, our COVID-19 Menu on the City website contains useful and current data. With questions concerning COVID-19 please call the Linden Board of Health Office or call the Coronavirus Emergency Hotline at 1-800-222-1222.

Please call my office with questions, concerns, for assistance, or even just to say hi.

Yours truly,

Mayor Derek Armstead

Basketball Rims in Linden Playgrounds

On 3/23, to help stop COVID-19, temporary measures to seal off basketball nets were taken. Sadly, people undid those measures to play basketball, a contact sport in which the virus can more easily spread. For the safety of all our residents, all basketball rims in Linden playgrounds will be secured until further notice.

Lifting Spirits in Time of Crisis

Not knowing how or when this pandemic will end has affected our world economically, physically and mentally. As your Mayor, it is wonderful to see the beautiful rainbow pictures posted by so many Linden families. Your beautiful pictures continue to lift my spirit as we fight this invisible enemy together. Thank you for making Linden a lot more colorful. In times of crisis, it is comforting to know we can rely on each other. We are Linden Strong and together we will win the battle against COVID-19.

Thank you,

Mayor Derek Armstead

Managing the Fear of Coronavirus

Due to reports of Coronavirus cases in the U.S., many people are expressing fear and anxiety about this potentially serious illness. While it is understandable to worry about the health and safety of ourselves and out loved ones, it is important to manage our anxiety. Few make good decisions based on fear, and the 24/7 media coverage – much of it gloomy – often obscures reality and adds to a sense of panic. Taking care of your emotions, especially during times of higher stress and anxiety, is a good first step to protecting yourself. Please read this attachment for more information.

Message from Mayor Armstead RE COVID-19 Data Transmission

In these challenging and difficult times, as Mayor of the great City of Linden, I want to assure you that all information concerning COVID-19 is presented to you in a timely and transparent manner. My administration will continue to do all things necessary to protect our residents by providing the services that our government provides.

However, even in this pandemic, my administration is obligated to comply with certain laws that protect patient information and what can be shared publicly. The HIPAA Privacy Rule protects the privacy of patients’ health information but is balanced to ensure that appropriate uses and disclosures of the information still may be made when necessary to protect a patient, to protect the nation’s public health, and for other critical purposes.

Consequently, HIPAA still requires us to protect a patient’s privacy, however, through the Linden Board of Health, and our Health Officers, if certain information is received about a resident who tests positive for COVID-19, they are required to follow certain protocols in notifying individuals that may have had CLOSE contact with that person, and are able to take other steps to minimize the spread of the virus.

The following are trusted resources for COVID-19 information.