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Author: City of Linden

Linden Library Blood Drive

We are back at the Linden Library! There will be a blood drive on Wednesday, July 14th from 12:30pm – 6:30pm. Please help us spread the word by posting the attached flyer on your social media! We have 20 people signed up so far and have room for another 20 signups!

Linden Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony – Tuesday July 20th

On Tuesday, July 20th at 6:30pm, please join Mayor Derek Armstead and the Department of Parks & Recreation for the Linden Summer Olympics Day Camp / Playground Opening Ceremony! Events will include exhibitions, track relays, long jump and an awards ceremony. Refreshments will be served on a first-come first-serve basis for participants.

Rain Date – Wednesday July 21st, 2021


The Union County Board of County Commissioners is proud to announce that The WildFlowers will be the next performer in the County’s free drive-in concert series. The event is free but registration is required online in advance to reserve a spot. Please note that space is limited and reservations are on a first come, first served basis.

Linden COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic – Today – July 8

Mayor Derek Armstead has partnered with Super Health Pharmacy to provide Linden residents with both Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccinations. Walkups permitted, but you must first fill out the consent form online by clicking here.

Notice RE Request for Qualifications for Credit Card Processing Services for 2021.

Notice is hereby given that sealed submissions will be received by the Purchasing Agent, Ann Marie Whelan, of the City of Linden, on Tuesday, July 13, 2021 11:00 A.M. prevailing time, in Planning Board Room #215, City Hall, City of Linden, 301 N. Wood Avenue, Linden, NJ 07036 then publicly opened and read aloud.

Standardized submission requirements and selection criteria are on file and available in the Purchasing Department, City Hall, 301 N. Wood Avenue, Linden, NJ 07036.

Submission packages may be obtained by clicking here.

All professional service contractors are required to comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 52:32-44 (Business Registration of Public Contractors), N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. And N.J.A.C. 17:27 et seq. (Contract Compliance and Equal Employment Opportunities in Public Contracts).

Submission by Corporations and Partnerships shall include a completed Disclosure of Ownership form (N.J.S.A. 52:25-24.2) and shall include a completed Non-Collusion Affidavit.

The City of Linden reserves the right to reject any or all submissions due to any defects of waive informalities and accept any submissions that in their judgment will be in the best interest of the City of Linden. The City of Linden shall award the contract or reject all submissions no later than 60 days from receipt of same.

Ann Marie E. Whelan

Purchasing Agent

Public Notice Regarding the use of Body Worn Cameras by the Linden Police Department

In accordance with New Jersey Attorney General’s Directive 2021-5, the Linden Police Department is hereby providing public notice that the Linden Police Department deploys Body Worn Camera technology for use by both uniformed and plainclothes officers. Generally, a Body Worn Camera (BWC) will be mounted in the chest area to the front of the officer’s outermost garment. Pictures of the device currently in use, as well as a picture depicting how it is worn by both uniformed and plainclothes officers, is included below.

Body worn cameras are used to capture valuable evidence for investigations and trials. It also documents scenes, interviews, and encounters between the police and citizens, promoting accountability and transparency. The Linden Police Department was among the first Police Departments in Union County to deploy Body Worn Camera technology when it began the program in February 2016.

To view and/or download a PDF of this public notice, please click here.

Notice RE July 13, 2021 Planning Board Meeting

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on July 13, 2021 in accordance with the Open Public Meeting Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et. seq., the Planning Board of the City of Linden will conduct its regular meeting at 6:30 pm.

At this meeting the Board will vote on Resolutions; namely SP-1138-21 1000 W. Edgar Road– Panera, Inc. and SD 759-21 – 836-850 McCandless Place – NB Home Improvements and hear five Applications, namely, SP-1124-20 – 3401 Tremley Point
Road – JMV Sales Corp. Inc., SP 1137-21 – 16 S. Wood Avenue – Meridia Annex Linden, LLC; SP 1131-21 – 2525 Brunswick Avenue – Brunswick/Park Associates, SP 1132-21 Linden Development LLC (Medical Office Building), SD763-21 – 815-819 Clark Street – Clark Home Builders, LLC. The Board will also hear Redevelopment Study and Preliminary Investigations for D’s Dugout.

Copies of the filed Plans submitted by the Applicant and the Resolutions can be reviewed here or in the office of the Secretary of the Planning Board. Copies of any exhibits that will be utilized by the Applicant at the hearing will also be made available at the aforementioned link at least two (2) days prior to the hearing. Any interested party may appear in person and present any comments they may have regarding the application.

Click here to view and/or download a PDF of the official notice.

Dorothy Kotowski

City of Linden Planning Board Secretary