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Coronavirus Economic Impact Payments from the IRS

Americans without a permanent address qualify for a one-time $1,200 Economic Impact Payment.

No income is required to claim the payment. Individuals who normally don’t file taxes, need to sign up with the IRS to receive their $1,200 Payment. The IRS will mail a letter to the individual’s last known address within a few weeks after the payment is issued.

For more information about this program, click here to visit the IRS website.

To sign up using the free IRS online tool, click here.

To view and/or download the official flyer about this program from the IRS, click here.

Letter to Parents and Guardians of Proud Linden High School 2020 Graduates

Dear Parents & Guardians of Proud LHS 2020 Graduates,

In light of the Covid-19 Pandemic it is important that our community comes together to celebrate your Graduate and the Class of 2020. I personally feel each and everyone of them has been robbed of the best months of their senior year and it is important to you and your child that they be recognized for the hard work that they have put in since they first entered school all those years ago. With that in mind the Mayor’s Youth Commission and myself decided that on June 17th, 2020 we would celebrate our Senior Class; therefore, we are hosting an un-traditional graduation, which we are calling a “Post-Graduation Ceremony”, at Linden Airport.

The graduation ceremony will start at 11am. All cars will assemble in the aircraft parking lot at Linden’s Airport at 10am. To accommodate the number of graduates we are expecting, there will be only one vehicle allowed per graduate and their family.  The graduate should be seated on the passenger side of the vehicle (front or back seat), as they will be exiting the vehicle to be recognized and to have their picture taken. Graduates should be dressed in their caps and gowns. To make this more festive we would love to see your vehicles decorated in celebration of the Class of 2020. Please write the graduates name across the top of your windshield or on a piece of paper large enough so we can read it. We also request that you have the graduates name on an index card or a slip of paper for the Master of Ceremonies to announce the graduate’s name.  Please note everyone MUST remain in their vehicles at all times during the ceremony, and only the graduate will exit the vehicle when it is their turn.  Masks and gloves are optional for graduates. Should for some reason Mother Nature not cooperate on the 17th, the rain date for the ceremony will be June 18th.

If you and your graduate are attending, please register here. We will need this information should we have to reach you. 

Looking forward to seeing you there. We are hoping to make this memorable, as you and your graduate deserve that and more. 

Sincerely Yours,

Mayor Derek Armstead

Click here to view and/or download the official letter, signed by Mayor Armstead.

Bulk Trash Pickup is Back!

Normal curbside bulk trash collection resumed on Wednesday June 3rd (not retroactively) beginning with the 4th Collection District, and then continuing forward. We are permanently accepting bulk trash at the DPW yard, Monday through Saturday, from 8am until 2pm. Linden residents are encouraged to call 908-474-8666 with any questions.

Outdoor graduations are allowed, but in what form?

Breaking News

Gov. Phil Murphy announced the state will allow outdoor graduation ceremonies, beginning July 6, provided they comply with all social distancing regulations. Governor Murphy announced the news in a tweet this morning. He was expected to provide more information at his daily briefing at 11am. In his tweet, he said graduations could happen as long as schools ensure “the health and safety of all in attendance.” (ROI-NJ)

Certain Businesses Permitted to Open

Governor Murphy signed several Executive Orders and Administrative Orders, allowing some outdoor businesses to restart effective May 22, 2020 and enabling additional clarification on previous Executive Orders.

The following businesses are allowed to open.

  • Batting cages and golf ranges
  • Shooting and archery ranges
  • Horseback riding
  • Private tennis clubs
  • Community gardens

In-person sales at the following businesses also allowed to resume.

  • Automobile and motorcycle dealerships
  • Bicycle shops

Kean University Testing Site on Morris Avenue in Union

New Hours, New Online Appointment Scheduling

Open to Union County Residents, M-F, 9am – 4pm. Up to 72 hours for test results. Testing is now available to all Union County residents who wish to be tested, whether or not they are experiencing symptoms. It is also available to all first responders and frontline health workers who are asymptomatic and that work in Union County, regardless of their residence. Testing is also available to first responders and frontline health workers who live and work outside the County, but in New Jersey, must have symptoms and a prescription from a doctor. You can now make an appointment online here. You must have proof of NJ Residency IDs when visiting testing site.

For information about all testing sites, please click here.

Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Increasing Capacity Limit on Outdoor Gatherings

Order Also Allows Public and Private Recreational Campgrounds to Reopen

TRENTON — Governor Phil Murphy today signed Executive Order No. 148, increasing the limit on outdoor gatherings from 10 to 25 people and allowing recreational campgrounds to reopen with social distancing measures in place. The limit on indoor gatherings remains at 10 people. The Order takes effect immediately.

“Our steady progress on the road back has been made possible through the hard work and personal responsibility of New Jerseyans to safeguard public health,” said Governor Murphy. “I’m proud that we can confidently take this step today and provide further optimism for the unofficial start of summer.”

Outdoor GatheringsThe Governor’s Executive Order allows outdoor gatherings of up to 25 people so long as the following rules are complied with:

  • The gathering must take place entirely outdoors except for restroom use;
  • Limit capacity to no more than 25 people at all times;
  • Require attendees to be six feet apart at all times, excluding immediate family members, caretakers, household members, or romantic partners;
  • Prohibit contact between attendees, and no organized or contact sports;
  • If the event is an organized gathering, the organizer should demarcate six feet of spacing in the area of the gathering to demonstrate appropriate spacing for social distancing;
  • Limit provided seating to single individuals, spaced six feet apart, and sanitized after each use;
  • Prohibit sharing of any physical items provided and require sanitization before and after each use; and
  • Require contactless pay options wherever feasible. 

Nothing in the Order shall prevent professional athletes from fulfilling their job duties, consistent with paragraph 10 of Executive Order No. 107 (2020).

Charter Boats and Recreational Businesses: The Order rescinds the 10-person capacity limit on charter boats and recreational businesses opened under Executive Order No. 147, including archery ranges, batting cages, golf driving ranges, horseback riding, tennis clubs, and shooting ranges, and imposes a new 25-person capacity limitation with a requirement that individuals can remain six feet apart at all times.

Parks, Beaches, Boardwalks, and Lakeshores: The Order allows gatherings of no more than 25 people at State Parks and Forests, county and municipal parks, public and private beaches, boardwalks, lakes, and lakeshores, but continues to prohibit special events such as festivals, concerts, fireworks, and movies.

Recreational Campgrounds: The Order permits private and public recreational campgrounds to reopen to the public. The following shall remain closed at recreational campgrounds: picnic areas; playgrounds; pavilions; and other buildings amenities, or facilities, except restrooms and showers. Recreational campgrounds that are open to the public must comply with the same restrictions required for recreational businesses.  The Department of Environmental Protection is required to prepare a phased-in reopening plan for all campgrounds located on State Parks and Forests within fifteen days.

The Order also recommends, but does not order, that people wear a face covering while at outdoor gatherings and recreational campgrounds when social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.

Special Message from Linden Fire Department Chief William Hasko Jr

It seems like yesterday, but six months have passed since I took the Oath of Office as the Chief of the Linden Fire Department. At that time, I had no idea that in just four months we would be facing a COVID-19 Pandemic. What I do know is that that I could not be more proud to be the Chief of The Linden Fire Department. The members of this Department never faltered on their promise “to faithfully, impartially and justly perform all the duties of office of firefighter.” They came together and served the public’s needs honorably and professionally. As Chief of the Department, I thank them. In addition, I want everyone to know that The Linden Fire Department is, has and always will be here for you. Lastly, I want to recognized and thank Captain Bryan Kostrey and Firefighter Daryl Roberts for taking the initiative to create this inspiring video.

Fire Chief William Hasko Jr

Memorial Day Weekend W/COVID-19

The Governor is expected to sign an Executive Order today opening beaches and lakefronts Memorial Day Weekend with a number of restrictions.

  • The number of people on beaches and lake fronts must be limited.
  • Beaches cannot be made “private” by opening only to residents.
  • 6-foot minimum social distancing must be exercised
  • No organized games or special events that draw a crowd
  • Face coverings recommended
  • No amusement parks, playgrounds or visitor centers can be opened
  • State Park bathrooms will be opened going forward

Guidance from the Governor’s office regarding public pools is expected by Monday at the latest.