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Message from Mayor Armstead

Recap of the Aftermath of Tropical Storm Isaias

The City of Linden was hit harder during this storm than it was during Hurricane Sandy. I want to thank our residents for their patience during this difficult time. There were 575,000 PSEG customers statewide that were without power, which is a quarter of their customer base. Here in Linden over 13,800 PSEG customers lost power. There are still 1,490 customers without power. Global estimated restoration time for all customers is Aug 10th @3pm, possibly sooner. Customers will be restored intermittently between now and then. PSEG and our DPW will be working to rid the hazards on Stiles St at Elm St and Stiles St at Elmwood Terrace.

We have been prioritizing the trees that are down, and those that are on houses and blocking roads are naturally at the top of the list. We are presently 90% through the list. Our State-contracted Independent Contractor is assisting us with clearing the trees. We will then be chipping the large limbs and branches that are in our roadways. On the grass collection days, we will be picking up the branches and limbs along with the grass clippings that residents bring to the curb.

Residents who need to charge their electronics may go either to the Promenade on Wood Avenue (next to Motion Credit Union), or to the JTG Center. The JTG Center will also be used as a cooling station and hours of operation are from 11am to 6pm. Remember that face masks are required along with social distancing.

If your power is out, please make sure to report it to PSEG by phone at 1-800-836-7734, through their website, or by texting the word “OUT” to 47734. PSEG also has opened a Comfort Station at Warinaco Park in Roselle. They are offering free water and ice to Union County residents.

Thank you to the Police Officers, Firefighters, Public Works Department, Dispatchers, OEM Volunteers, Utility Workers and all those who did so much to make sure we weathered the storm!

Thank you,

Mayor Derek Armstead

Social Security is here to help!

On behalf of the Social Security Administration (SSA), I want to let you know that during the current coronavirus pandemic, SSA continues to provide help to you and others in your community.

While their offices are not providing service to walk-in visitors due to COVID-19, SSA remains committed to providing ongoing benefits and vital services.  SSA asked me to let you know that they remain ready and able to help you by phone with most Social Security matters. You can speak with a representative by calling your local Social Security office or their National 800 Number.  They provide local office phone numbers conveniently online with their Social Security Office Locator.

SSA also wants you to know they have many secure and convenient online services to:

  • Apply for Retirement, Disability, and Medicare benefits,
  • Check the status of an application or appeal,
  • Request a replacement Social Security card (in most areas),
  • Print a benefit verification letter, and
  • Much more.

Most business with SSA can be done online, but they know that many people still rely on phone or in-person help.  That’s why they want you to know you can still count on them by phone. And, if you have a critical situation they cannot help you with by phone or online, they may be able to schedule an appointment for you.

If you need help from SSA, please don’t wait until they can see you in person.  Reach out now and get the help you need.

Lastly, SSA also understands that getting medical and other documentation can be difficult due to the pandemic.  So, they are continuing to extend certain deadlines wherever possible.


Mayor Derek Armstead

Letter to Parents and Guardians of Proud Linden High School 2020 Graduates

Dear Parents & Guardians of Proud LHS 2020 Graduates,

In light of the Covid-19 Pandemic it is important that our community comes together to celebrate your Graduate and the Class of 2020. I personally feel each and everyone of them has been robbed of the best months of their senior year and it is important to you and your child that they be recognized for the hard work that they have put in since they first entered school all those years ago. With that in mind the Mayor’s Youth Commission and myself decided that on June 17th, 2020 we would celebrate our Senior Class; therefore, we are hosting an un-traditional graduation, which we are calling a “Post-Graduation Ceremony”, at Linden Airport.

The graduation ceremony will start at 11am. All cars will assemble in the aircraft parking lot at Linden’s Airport at 10am. To accommodate the number of graduates we are expecting, there will be only one vehicle allowed per graduate and their family.  The graduate should be seated on the passenger side of the vehicle (front or back seat), as they will be exiting the vehicle to be recognized and to have their picture taken. Graduates should be dressed in their caps and gowns. To make this more festive we would love to see your vehicles decorated in celebration of the Class of 2020. Please write the graduates name across the top of your windshield or on a piece of paper large enough so we can read it. We also request that you have the graduates name on an index card or a slip of paper for the Master of Ceremonies to announce the graduate’s name.  Please note everyone MUST remain in their vehicles at all times during the ceremony, and only the graduate will exit the vehicle when it is their turn.  Masks and gloves are optional for graduates. Should for some reason Mother Nature not cooperate on the 17th, the rain date for the ceremony will be June 18th.

If you and your graduate are attending, please register here. We will need this information should we have to reach you. 

Looking forward to seeing you there. We are hoping to make this memorable, as you and your graduate deserve that and more. 

Sincerely Yours,

Mayor Derek Armstead

Click here to view and/or download the official letter, signed by Mayor Armstead.

Wait, am I on the right website?

Dear Linden Residents,

Yes! You are on the City of Linden’s website. More specifically, you are on the City of Linden’s new website. Even with COVID-19, the wheels of progress must continue. We have been working double time to make sure that the residents of the great City of Linden always have access to the most up to date information and are able to search, view and digest that information quickly and easily. We are proud that we are not letting the current health crisis get in the way of doing our jobs. Now more than ever, we cannot let fear get in the way of innovation. Making sure that our community stays connected is incredibly important, and we know that our City’s new website will be a contributing factor to that.

Mayor Derek Armstead

Communicating with City Hall

Dear Linden Residents,

We live in difficult times. I want to make sure that all Linden residents know that even during the current health crisis, my office always remains available and ready to hear and address any concern you have. Please never hesitate to reach out to a member of my staff or to me personally to make sure that I am immediately looped in. Thank you, and may we all do our best to stay safe and healthy.

Mayor Derek Armstead

Message from Mayor Armstead RE COVID-19 Data Transmission

In these challenging and difficult times, as Mayor of the great City of Linden, I want to assure you that all information concerning COVID-19 is presented to you in a timely and transparent manner. My administration will continue to do all things necessary to protect our residents by providing the services that our government provides.

However, even in this pandemic, my administration is obligated to comply with certain laws that protect patient information and what can be shared publicly. The HIPAA Privacy Rule protects the privacy of patients’ health information but is balanced to ensure that appropriate uses and disclosures of the information still may be made when necessary to protect a patient, to protect the nation’s public health, and for other critical purposes.

Consequently, HIPAA still requires us to protect a patient’s privacy, however, through the Linden Board of Health, and our Health Officers, if certain information is received about a resident who tests positive for COVID-19, they are required to follow certain protocols in notifying individuals that may have had CLOSE contact with that person, and are able to take other steps to minimize the spread of the virus.

The following are trusted resources for COVID-19 information.