2025 Spring Soccer League
Mayor Derek Armstead, the City of Linden, and the Department of Parks & Recreation are pleased to announce the 2025 Spring Soccer League. Register early to secure a spot on a team!
Click here to view and/or download the informational flyer for this program.
- Who: Open to all children ages 6 through 12.
- What: Outdoor soccer. All participants must have their own shin guards.
- Where: Wheeler Park Turf Field, which is located at 234 West Stimpson Avenue. The League will be held on the Soccer Field, entrance on West Stimpson Avenue.
- When: The League begins on Saturday, April 12, 2025.
- How: Registration deadline is April 4, 2025. After deadline, all registrants must register by calling 908-474-8600 or 908-474-8627, and a waiting list will be established. Registration fee is $50 for residents, and $60 for non-residents. A one-time annual $6 insurance fee will be added to your total registration fee, per child, if this has not already been paid for with another program. All participants must have their own shin guards. Register online here, or register in person at the John T. Gregorio Center (330 Helen Street) from 9am until 4pm, or at the Linden Multi Purpose Center (1025 John Street) from 9:30am until 7pm. No refunds once the League begins. For more information, call 908-474-8600. Please note: all new “First Time” participants must bring the following original documents at the time of registration and we will make copies:
- Child’s original birth certificate.
- Household bill showing proof of residency.
- Diver’s License or photo ID of parent/guardian signing up their child.