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Public Notice for the Request for Qualifications for Appraisal Services

Public Notice for the Request for Qualifications of Professional Service Contracts beginning March 1, 2024. Notice is hereby given that in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44-20.5 et seq. through a fair and open process, the City of Linden is requesting sealed submissions for Professional Service Contracts. Sealed submissions will be received by the Purchasing Agent, Jessica L. Slawinski, of the City of Linden, on Friday, March 15, 2024 at 11:00 A.M. prevailing time, in the 1st Floor Purchasing Department, City Hall, City of Linden, 301 North Wood Avenue, Linden, NJ 07036 then publicly opened and read aloud for the following:

  1. Appraisal Services

Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS, for (Position Number as Listed Above, Name of Position) and bearing the name and address of the proposer on outside; addressed to the Purchasing Agent, Jessica L. Slawinski, City of Linden, City Hall, Purchasing Department, 301 North Wood Avenue, 1st Floor, Linden, NJ 07036. 

Standardized submission requirements and selection criteria are on file and available in the Purchasing Department, City Hall, 301 North Wood Avenue, Linden, NJ 07036. 

Submission packages may be obtained on the City of Linden’s website by clicking here.

In addition to full compliance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et. seq. (“Pay To Play”), individuals or firms awarded contracts under these procedures will be required to comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 52:32-44 (Business Registration of Public Contractors), 42 U.S.C. Section 12101 et. seq. (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990), N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. And N.J.A.C. 17:27 et seq. (Contract Compliance and Equal Employment Opportunities in Public Contracts)

Any RFQ Addenda will be issued on the website and processed in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A11-23(c)(1).  All interested respondents should check the website from now through RFQ opening. It is the sole responsibility of the respondent to be knowledgeable of all addenda related to this procurement.   

Submission by Corporations and Partnerships shall include a completed Disclosure of Ownership form (N.J.S.A. 52:25-24.2) and shall include a completed Non-Collusion Affidavit.

The City of Linden reserves the right to reject any or all submissions due to any defects of waive informalities and accept any submissions that in their judgment will be in the best interest of the City of Linden. The City of Linden shall award the contract or reject all submissions no later than 60 days from receipt of the same.

Jessica L. Slawinski, Purchasing Agent

  • To view and/or download the paper version of the RFQ Notice, click here.
  • To see all active RFQ and job opportunities with the City of Linden, including those in the notice above, click here.

Public Notice for the Request for Qualifications for Special Mount Laurel Counsel Services

Public Notice for the Request for Qualifications of Professional Service Contracts beginning March 1, 2024. Notice is hereby given that in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44-20.5 et seq. through a fair and open process, the City of Linden is requesting sealed submissions for Professional Service Contracts. Sealed submissions will be received by the Purchasing Agent, Jessica L. Slawinski, of the City of Linden, on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 11:00 A.M. prevailing time, in the 1st Floor Purchasing Department, City Hall, City of Linden, 301 North Wood Avenue, Linden, NJ 07036 then publicly opened and read aloud for the following:

  1. Special Mount Laurel Counsel Services.

Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS, for (Position Number as Listed Above, Name of Position) and bearing the name and address of the proposer on outside; addressed to the Purchasing Agent, Jessica L. Slawinski, City of Linden, City Hall, Purchasing Department, 301 North Wood Avenue, 1st Floor, Linden, NJ 07036.

Standardized submission requirements and selection criteria are on file and available in the Purchasing Department, City Hall, 301 North Wood Avenue, Linden, NJ 07036.

Submission packages may be obtained on the City of Linden’s website by clicking here.

In addition to full compliance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et. seq. (“Pay To Play”), individuals or firms awarded contracts under these procedures will be required to comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 52:32-44 (Business Registration of Public Contractors), 42 U.S.C. Section 12101 et. seq. (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990), N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. And N.J.A.C. 17:27 et seq. (Contract Compliance and Equal Employment Opportunities in Public Contracts).

Any RFQ Addenda will be issued on the website and processed in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A11- 23(c)(1 ). All interested respondents should check the website from now through RFQ opening. It is the sole responsibility of the respondent to be knowledgeable of all addenda related to this procurement.

Submission by Corporations and Partnerships shall include a completed Disclosure of Ownership form (N.J.S.A. 52:25-24.2) and shall include a completed Non-Collusion Affidavit.

The City of Linden reserves the right to reject any or all submissions due to any defects of waive informalities and accept any submissions that in their judgment will be in the best interest of the City of Linden. The City of Linden shall award the contract or reject all submissions no later than 60 days from receipt of the same.

Jessica L. Slawinski, Purchasing Agent

  • To view and/or download the paper version of the RFQ Notice, click here.
  • To see all active RFQ and job opportunities with the City of Linden, including those in the notice above, click here.

Notice RE City of Linden Addendum No.1 City of Linden 2023 Capital Budget Resurfacing Project Improvements-Various Streets

The City of Linden has issued Addendum No. 1 in association with the public bid advertised on February 9, 2024 for the 2023 Capital Budget Resurfacing Project Improvements to Various Streets City of Linden. The addendum is available for public inspection at the Office of the Purchasing Agent, 301 North Wood Avenue, 1st Floor, Linden, New Jersey 07036 between the
hours of 8 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday. This addendum is issued for the purpose of amending certain requirements of the Contract Documents, and as noted hereinafter, and is hereby made an integral part of the Contract Documents for the above referenced project. Statements made herein shall amend, supersede and take precedence over any made in previously issued documents including previously issued addenda, if any. Unless specifically noted or specified hereinafter all work shall conform to the applicable provisions of the Contract Documents.

The following documents have been changed, updated and/or required:


Jessica Slawinski, Purchasing Agent

Notice RE City of Linden Addendum No.1 2024-2025 City of Linden On-Call Emergency Sewer Repair Contract

The City of Linden has issued Addendum No. 1 in association with the public bid advertised on February 9, 2024 for 2024-2025 City of Linden On-Call Emergency Sewer Repair Contract in the City of Linden. The addendum is available for public inspection at the Office of the Purchasing Agent, 301 North Wood Avenue, 1st Floor, Linden, New Jersey 07036 between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday. This addendum is issued for the purpose of amending certain requirements of the Contract Documents, and as noted hereinafter, and is hereby made an integral part of the Contract Documents for the above referenced project. Statements made herein shall amend, supersede and take precedence over any made in previously issued documents including previously issued addenda, if any. Unless specifically noted or specified hereinafter all work shall conform to the applicable provisions of the Contract Documents.

The following documents have been changed, updated and/or required:


Jessica Slawinski, Purchasing Agent

Notice RE Two Deputy Municipal Court Administrator Positions, in the Municipal Courts Department

Once completed all applications must be returned via email or mailed to City of Linden City Clerks’ Office, 301 North Wood Avenue, Linden, NJ 07036. Applications that are mailed must be postmarked by the application deadline or they will be returned to the applicant. Please be advised that all employment applications must be completed at the time of submission. Please include copies of resumes, proof of qualifications or any additional documents you wish to submit with your application.

Submission Deadline is Friday, March 22, 2024 at 4:30pm.

  • Two Municipal Court Administrator positions, in the Municipal Courts Department.

Click here to see all job opportunities available in the City of Linden.

Notice RE Full Time Clerk 1 Position Available In The City of Linden Police Department

Once completed all applications must be returned via email or mailed to City of Linden City Clerks’ Office, 301 North Wood Avenue, Linden, NJ 07036. Applications that are mailed must be postmarked by the application deadline or they will be returned to the applicant. Please be advised that all employment applications must be completed at the time of submission. Please include copies of resumes, proof of qualifications or any additional documents you wish to submit with your application.

Submission Deadline is February 21, 2024 at 4:30pm.

  • One full time Clerk 1 position, in the City of Linden Police Department.

Click here to see all job opportunities available in the City of Linden.

Public Notice for the Request for Proposals for Linden Opioid Abatement and Substance Abuse Eradication and Substance Abuse Eradication and Redirection Program-Prevention Consultants

Public Notice for the Request for Proposals for Linden Opioid Abatement and Substance Abuse Eradication and Substance Abuse Eradication and Redirection Program-Lead Consultants under a fair and open process. Responses to Request For Proposals will be received by the Purchasing Agent of the City of Linden, at Linden City Hall, 301 North Wood Avenue, Linden, NJ 07036 Purchasing Department, on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 10am prevailing time for the following described proposal:

  1. Linden Opioid Abatement and Substance Abuse Eradication and Substance Abuse Eradication and Redirection Program-Prevention Consultants

The RFP is on file at the Office of the Purchasing Agent, City Hall, 301 North Wood Avenue, Linden, NJ, 07036, or submission packages may be obtained on the City of Linden’s website by clicking here.

RFP’s must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS, and bearing the name and address of the proposer on outside; addressed to the Purchasing Agent, Jessica Slawinski, City of Linden, City Hall, 301 North Wood Ave., Linden, NJ 07036. All proposers shall conform to the intention and provisions of affirmative action in Public Contracts Laws of the State of New Jersey, R.S. 10:2-1 of 7/23/75, Assembly Bill No. 2227.

Proposers are required to comply with requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et. seq.
and N.J.A.C. 17:27.

Council reserves the right to reject any and all proposals should it be in the
interest of the City to do so and to waive any informalities in the proposals.

Jessica L. Slawinski, Purchasing Agent

  • To view and/or download the paper version of the RFP Notice, click here.
  • To see all active RFP and job opportunities with the City of Linden, including those in the notice above, click here.

Public Notice for the Request for Proposals for Linden Opioid Abatement and Substance Abuse Eradication and Substance Abuse Eradication and Redirection Program-Lead Consultants

Public Notice for the Request for Proposals for Linden Opioid Abatement and Substance Abuse Eradication and Substance Abuse Eradication and Redirection Program-Lead Consultants under a fair and open process. Responses to Request For Proposals will be received by the Purchasing Agent of the City of Linden, at Linden City Hall, 301 North Wood Avenue, Linden, NJ 07036 Purchasing Department, on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 10am prevailing time for the following described proposal:

  1. Linden Opioid Abatement and Substance Abuse Eradication and Substance Abuse Eradication and Redirection Program-Lead Consultants

The RFP is on file at the Office of the Purchasing Agent, City Hall, 301 North Wood Avenue, Linden, NJ, 07036, or submission packages may be obtained on the City of Linden’s website by clicking here.

RFP’s must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS, and bearing the name and address of the proposer on outside; addressed to the Purchasing Agent, Jessica Slawinski, City of Linden, City Hall, 301 North Wood Ave., Linden, NJ 07036. All proposers shall conform to the intention and provisions of affirmative action in Public Contracts Laws of the State of New Jersey, R.S. 10:2-1 of 7/23/75, Assembly Bill No. 2227.

Proposers are required to comply with requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et. seq.
and N.J.A.C. 17:27.

Council reserves the right to reject any and all proposals should it be in the
interest of the City to do so and to waive any informalities in the proposals.

Jessica L. Slawinski, Purchasing Agent

  • To view and/or download the paper version of the RFP Notice, click here.
  • To see all active RFP and job opportunities with the City of Linden, including those in the notice above, click here.

Notice RE New 2 Parking Enforcement Officer Positions Available In The City of Linden

Once completed all applications must be returned via email or mailed to City of Linden City Clerks’ Office, 301 North Wood Avenue, Linden, NJ 07036. Applications that are mailed must be postmarked by the application deadline or they will be returned to the applicant. Please be advised that all employment applications must be completed at the time of submission. Please include copies of resumes, proof of qualifications or any additional documents you wish to submit with your application.

Submission Deadline is February 8, 2024 at 4:30pm.

Click here to see all job opportunities available in the City of Linden.