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New Job Opportunity Available at the Linden Roselle Sewerage Authority

Office Clerk – Part Time, 20 Hours Per Week

Municipal Authority seeking person for diversified office duties. Must have skills and experience in the following areas: computer word processing, excel, phone reception and interaction with the public. Preference to the residents of the service area Linden and Roselle. Must be New Jersey resident.  E.O.E. 

Notice RE Vacancy for Omnibus Operator/Recreation Leader in Department of Recreation & Senior Services

Please be advised that there is a vacancy for one full time Omnibus Operator/Recreation Leader in the Department of Recreation & Senior Services, at the hourly rate of $17 – $23 per hour. This position is full time for 35 hours per week. Please post this in an area available to all employees. At this time, this position is only open to all City of Linden residency.

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, all applications must be obtained online by clicking here.

Once completed all applications must be returned via email no later than 4:30 PM on Thursday, February 25, 2021. In addition to electronic submission, applications can be mailed to City of Linden City Clerks’ Office, 301 North Wood Avenue, Linden, NJ 07036. Applications that are mailed must be postmarked by the application deadline of Thursday, February 25, 2021 or they will be returned to the applicant. Please be advised that all employment applications must be completed at the time of submission. Please include copies of resumes, proof of qualifications or any additional documents you wish to submit with your application.

Submission Due Date: February 25, 2021

Downloads & Links

Click here to see all open opportunities to work with the City of Linden.

Notice RE Special Meeting of the Linden City Council on Wednesday, February 10th, 2021

A Special Meeting of the Linden City Council has been scheduled for Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 6pm. The meeting will be conducted electronically through RingCentral due to the Health Emergency caused by the COVID 19 pandemic. Official action will not be taken and portions of the meeting may be held in Executive Session. The purpose of the meeting is as follows:

  • Snow Removal
  • Emergency Operation Procedure

There is no registration required for this meeting. Members of the Public may access the meeting from their computer, tablet or smartphone by clicking on this link.

Members of the public who may be attending are on mute until the public comment portion of the meeting. If you wish to be recognized please identify yourself. You will then give your name and address, as at any public meeting. Failure to do so, will result in you being muted and not recognized further. When public comment is opened, the ability to register will be closed.

Members of the public can submit comments or questions in writing no later than 2:00pm on the meeting days by email here or by fax to (908) 474-8451. Please include your name and address in the correspondence and title the email “Special Council Public Meeting comment or question.” Notice of this meeting stating the date, place and time has been disseminated as required un the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975.” Electronic notice was provided on February 5, 2021 to the Local Source, Home News Tribune and the Star Ledger, noting that the meeting would be conducted through RingCentral and containing information on how to access the meeting. The same information was posted on the City’s Website, Linden TV, the bulletin board and the front door of City Hall.

Joseph C. Bodek

City Clerk

Click here to view and/or download a PDF of this meeting notice.

Notice RE February 9th, 2021 Planning Board Meeting

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on February 9th, 2021 in accordance with the Open Public Meeting Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et. seq., and the Governor of New Jersey’s Executive Orders 102 and 104 regarding COVID-19 the Planning Board of the City of Linden will conduct its regular meeting at 6:30 PM. The meeting will be conducted VIRTUALLY due to the current health problems limiting personal contact and public gatherings through electronic communication equipment to facilitate public comments or questions. Registration is not required for this meeting. Members of the Public may access the meeting from their computer, tablet or smart phone by clicking on this link.

At this meeting the Board will vote on Resolutions; namely SD751-20 – Lettini & Sons and hear one Application, namely, SP-1111-20 – N. Patti. Copies of the filed Plans submitted by the Applicant and the Resolutions can be reviewed here. Copies of any exhibits that will be utilized by the Applicant at the hearing will also be made available at the aforementioned link at least two (2) days prior to the hearing.

Click here to view and/or download a PDF of the official notice.

Dorothy Kotowski

City of Linden Planning Board Secretary

February 8, 2021 Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Notice

The City of Linden, Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting has been scheduled for Monday, February 8, 2021 at 7pm. The Meeting will be conducted electronically.  Attendance will be via RingCentral due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Official action will be taken and portions of the meeting may be held in executive session.

Click here to join the meeting without registering.

Members of the public who may be attending are on mute until the public hearing or during the  public comment portion of the meeting. If you wish to be recognized please use the raised hand icon, in the program, to identify yourself. You will then give your name and address. Failure to do so, will result in you being muted, and not recognized further.  If you are registered more than once you will only be recognized to speak only  one time, under your first registration. . When public comment is opened, the ability to register will be closed.  The Zoning Board Agenda and all other relevant documents will be posted on the City of Linden website.

Members of the public can submit questions or comments in writing no later than 2:00pm on both meeting days here or by fax at (908) 474-8497. Please include your name and address in the correspondence and the subject of  the email should be “public meeting comment or question”.

These meetings of the Linden Zoning Board of Adjustment were called pursuant to the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law. Notice of this meeting was sent via email to the Local Source, The Star Ledger and the Home News Tribune on Friday, February 5, 2021. In addition, copies of this notice were posted on the bulletin board and the main entrance to City Hall.

Rebecca Tattoli

Zoning Board Secretary

Click here to view and/or download a PDF of this notice.

Notice RE Shade Tree Commission Revised February 4, 2021 Meeting Notice for Due to COVID-19 International Health Crisis

The regular meeting of the Linden Shade Tree Commission will be held at 7pm. The meeting will be held electronically due to current health emergency, as declared by the Governor of New Jersey, limiting personal contact and public gatherings.

The public may offer comment, at appropriate times by voice when the meeting is open for public comment in the program, or by submitting written comment no later than 12pm. prevailing local time, on the date of the meeting to the Commission Chairman/Secretary by email or by fax to (908) 474-8451. Please include your name and address in the correspondence and title emails “public meeting comment.” Please keep your microphone muted until the public comment portion of the meeting. Official action may be taken at this meeting. Portions of the meeting may be held in Executive Session.

Notice RE City Caucus, Conference and Council Meetings on January 18th and 19th

Please read the attached notice for information about the upcoming City Caucus, City Conference and City Council Meetings. Information about these meetings has been added to the website’s calendar events for each meeting accordingly.

Notice RE Vacancy for Part Time Code Enforcement Officer Trainee in the Construction Code Department

Please be advised that there is a vacancy for a Part time Code Enforcement Officer Trainee in the Construction Code Department. (Job description and requirements attached.) This position is part time for 29 hours per week at the hourly rate $17.45. Please post this in an area available to all employees. At this time, this position is only open to all City of Linden residency.

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, all applications must be obtained online by clicking here.

Once completed all applications must be returned via email no later than 4:30 PM on Tuesday, January 26, 2021. In addition to electronic submission, applications can be mailed to City of Linden City Clerks’ Office, 301 North Wood Avenue, Linden, NJ 07036. Applications that are mailed must be postmarked by the application deadline of Tuesday, January 26, 2021 or they will be returned to the applicant. Please be advised that all employment applications must be completed at the time of submission. Please include copies of resumes, proof of qualifications or any additional documents you wish to submit with your application.

Submission Due Date: January 26, 2021

Downloads & Links

Click here to see all open opportunities to work with the City of Linden.

Notice RE Request for Qualifications for Special Counsel Services, Including but not Limited to Providing Guidance of Implementing Policies Relative to the State of New Jersey’s New Cannabis Laws

Respondents are encouraged to access, download, and respond to new Request for Proposals. Please note that in person drop-off shall be through appointment only by calling (908) 474-8444. Appointment hours are Monday through Friday between the hours of 10:00 AM-4:00 PM. You must adhere to all COVID-19 guidelines. All submissions must be handed directly to an employee of the Purchasing Department and/or have delivery confirmation. We are not responsible for deliveries.

To see all open RFQs and job opportunities with the City of Linden, please click here.

Notice RE Special Meeting for the Linden Insurance Commission

A Special meeting of the Linden Insurance Commission has been scheduled for Wednesday, January 13, 2021 at 10:30am. The meeting will be conducted electronically. Attendance will be electronically, through the use of Go To Meeting, due to the Health Emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Official action will be taken and portions of the meeting may be held in executive session.

Meeting Purpose

  • Workers Compensation litigation
  • Liability Litigation
  • Settlement of Tort Claim
  • Adopting the annual meeting schedule for 2021
  • Appointment of Professional Staff for 2021

Dial In Access

  • Dial: 872-240-3412
  • Access Code 504 274 429 #

Members of the public who may be attending are on mute until the public comment portion of the meeting. If you wish to be recognized please identify yourself. You will then give your name and address, as at any public meeting. Failure to do so, will result in you being muted, and not recognized further. When public comment is opened, the ability to register will be closed. The Linden Insurance Commission Agenda and all other relevant documents will be posted on the City of Linden website here.

Members of the public can submit questions or comments in writing no later than 2pm on the meeting days via email here, or faxed or by fax at (908) 474-8407. Please include your name and address in the correspondence and title the email “Insurance Commission public meeting comment or question.”

Notice of this meeting stating the date, place and time, has been disseminated as required under the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975.” Electronic notice was provided on January 11, 2021 to The Local Source, Home News Tribune, and The Star Ledger, noting that the meeting would be conducted through the Go To Meeting and containing information on how to access the meeting. The same information was posted on the City’s website, Linden TV, the bulletin board, and the front door of City Hall.

Click here to view and/or download a copy of the PDF version of this notice.