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Special Bulk Pickup For Hurricane Ida

Dear Fellow Residents,

As we all know, Hurricane Ida caused a tremendous amount of damage within a very short period of time. Homes were flooded and precious items were lost. The storm may have destroyed, among other things, large items and bulk waste. I am working closely with the Public Works Department to help. Over the next few days, please do your best to get any bulk items out on the curb. I know it may be hard for some residents to get all their bulk waste out immediately. That is why starting tomorrow, Friday September 3rd through September 24th, the Public Works Department will continuously send out trucks to pick up your bulk items and large waste that was damaged or destroyed during Hurricane Ida. 

As always, my office and I remain ready to assist you any way we can. Please feel free to call me directly at 908-474-8493 with questions, comments, concerns, or just to say hi.

Yours Truly,

Mayor Derek Armstead

September 11th Remembrance Ceremony

Mayor Derek Armstead, Council President Michele Yamakaitis and The City of Linden invite you to attend the 2021 September 11th Remembrance Ceremony with the Linden Police & Fire Departments.

  • Where: Wanda Green Park (Mack Place, off of Grier Avenue in Linden)
  • When: September 11, 2021, 10am

For more information, please contact Council President Michele Yamakaitis at 908-494-0880, or call Sandy Jackson from the Linden Fire Department at 908-474-4550.

Click here to view and/or download the informational flyer for this event.

Emergency Food Distribution Event – Tuesday, August 24th @ 11am

The Union County Board of County Commissioners, the Village Super Market of Springfield Township, and Gargiulo Produce are providing a walk-up food distribution event to all Union County residents affected by COVID-19 on Tuesday, August 24th. Click here or text “FindFood” for English, or text “Comida” for Spanish to 908 224 7776 to find helpful information quickly.


Event Details

  • First 500 people will receive dairy, shelf-safe food and fresh produce on a first come, first served basis.
  • One food distribution per household, while supplies last.
  • Bring a cart for the walk-up.
  • Refrigerate any perishable items shortly after distribution.
  • Bring one (1) proof of NJ residency, such as a utility bill, driver’s license, ID card, etc.
  • Event will take place rain or shine.

Click here to view and/or download the event flyer in English and Spanish. With any questions, or for more information, please email the DHS Action Line or call them at 908 558 2288.

Impaired Driving Enforcement Crackdown to be Conducted Locally as Part of Statewide End of Summer Campaign

Law enforcement officials from Linden will be cracking down on drivers impaired by alcohol or drugs as part of the annual end of summer “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” statewide campaign. Beginning August 20 and continuing through September 6, 2021, local and state law enforcement officials will conduct saturation patrols and sobriety checkpoints looking for motorists who may be driving while intoxicated.

The national “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” effort endeavors to raise awareness about the dangers of impaired driving through a combination of high-visibility enforcement and public education. “During the last five years New Jersey has experienced more than 35,000 alcohol involved crashes resulting in 618 fatalities,” said Police Chief David Hart. “This is a critical law enforcement program that can save lives, especially in light of recent increased motor vehicle fatality rates both nationally and in New Jersey.”

Last year, 23% of all motor vehicle fatalities in New Jersey were alcohol-related. Nationally, 10,142 people died in 2019 in drunk driving crashes. The societal cost associated with these crashes is estimated to be $44 billion annually.

Law enforcement agencies participating in the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over 2021 Statewide Labor Day Crackdown offer the following advice for the holiday season:

  • Take mass transit, a taxicab, or ask a sober friend to drive you home.
  • Spend the night where the activity or party is held.
  • If you see an impaired driver on the road, contact law enforcement. Your actions may save someone’s life, and inaction could cost a life. 
  • Always buckle-up, every ride. It’s your best defense against an impaired driver.
  • If you are intoxicated and traveling on foot, the safest way to get home is to take a cab or have a sober friend or family member drive or escort you to your doorstep.
  • Be responsible. If someone you know is drinking, do not let that person get behind the wheel.

To view and/or download a PDF of this press release, click here.