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Low Interest Loans for Small Businesses

The New Jersey Economic Development Authority announced Tuesday that it will be able to expand its Small Business Emergency Assistance Loan Program by $10 million, thanks to a grant received from the U.S. Economic Development Administration’s CARES Act appropriation. The money will allow the New Jersey EDA to create Phase 2 of its loan program, and will offer up to $100,000 in low-cost financing to eligible New Jersey small businesses and nonprofits to help with recovery and reopening efforts as a result of COVID-19.

Digital Marketing & Social Media for Small Businesses – Free Introductory Workshop

Digital marketing is an important part of your promotional mix, and social media platforms are valuable tools to use in your marketing communications strategy. On September 3, 2020 from 10am to 11:30am, small businesses are invited to a free introductory workshop hosted by the Union County Economic Development Corporation that addresses the basics of harnessing the power of digital, within the context of your organization’s marketing strategy. You will gain a fundamental understanding of the core principles of digital marketing, and learn to balance digital techniques with traditional methods, for greater effectiveness.

For more information and to register for the event, click here.

Uptown Linden Presents an Evening of Entertainment on September 15th

Please see the attached flyer for information about the performances to be given by Julian & Dominique and Lour Bernardi. RSVP to the Recreation Department at 908-474-8600. Social distancing will limit seats to 100, or you can stand in the Promenade, but you must call to reserve your spot. Masks are a must! In the event of rain, call 908-474-8604 after 4:00pm. Additional seating available for lawn chairs as space permits.

Marketing Strategy in Times of Economic Change

As a small business owner, it sometimes can be challenging to create a spending budget for marketing, given other business-related expenses, even in a healthy economy. Still, you will be challenged even more during tough economic times. The economy has a direct impact on the way a business promotes its products and services to customers. Understanding the link between the economy and marketing can help you to develop a cost-effective strategy for your business to respond to changes in the economic climate.

This free, live webinar / workshop, offered by the Union County Economic Development Corporation, will review the basic principles of marketing strategy and the application of the “4Ps of marketing”, SWOT analysis, target marketing, as well as assist in making effective local advertising choices, including social media, as part of a complete digital marketing plan to help a small business navigate in a changing economy.

Union County Freeholders Announce COVID-19 Relief Grant Program for Small Businesses

Initial Round of Program would provide grants up to $20,000 for impacted small businesses with 25 or fewer employees.

The Union County Freeholder Board today announced the initial-round launch of the Union County COVID-19 Relief Grant Program for small businesses that have been impacted by the health emergency.

The grant program will make available a total of $2 million in CARES Act relief funds. Out of this funding, the program will provide grants up to $20,000 to eligible small businesses to cover three month’s rent, property mortgage, utility and insurance expenses. The grant will be available to small businesses located within the boundaries of Union County with 25 or fewer employees prior to the COVID emergency.

“Union County’s small businesses are the life-blood of our communities and our downtowns,” said Freeholder Chairman Alexander Mirabella. “These businesses, which contribute so much to our quality of life as a whole, have been devastated by the COVID-19 emergency and need our assistance. The survival of these businesses is vital to Union County, and we encourage our small businesses to apply for a grant once the program is available.”

The Union County COVID-19 Relief Grant Program is funded by the COVID- Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act Federal relief fund. The County of Union will begin accepting applications for the program through an online portal beginning Thursday July 16th at 10am.

The Basics of Financing Your Business

Access to capital is critical to many small businesses, yet most owners don’t understand how to determine what they qualify for, what money is available to them and the roadblocks they may face. In this introductory webinar, we’ll address these issues as well as inform business owners of what’s expected of them in obtaining capital.

Click here for more information and to register for this free, live webinar offered by the Union County Economic Development Corporation on July 16 from 10am – 12pm.

Make sure you get your $1,200 Federal Stimulus Check!

If you don’t make enough income to have to file taxes, you may miss out on the federal stimulus check, also known as the Economic Impact Payment. To get yours, go to the IRS website by clicking here, select the blue “Enter Your Information” button and enter your information. To receive the payments, individuals must provide their information to the IRS and apply for the payment no later than October 15, 2020. The informational flyer about this is available on the website in English and Spanish.

People looking for their stimulus check may call Senator Cryan’s office for information at (908) 327-9119 or they can click on this link, then scroll down to “Get My Payment” and follow the prompts.

Virtual Job Fair

The Gateway Regional Chamber of Commerce is having a free Virtual Job Fair for graduating seniors, graduating college graduates and unemployed workers on June 9th 10am to 12pm at Make sure your resume is up to date! Participating companies will be announced closer to the event. Register in advance here.


  • 10am Students & Job Seekers will be virtually seated
  • 10:15am Presentation by employers
  • 10:45am – 12pm Virtually networking with employers

Governor Murphy Announces New Jersey to Enter Stage Two of Restart and Recovery on June 15th

Outdoor Dining and Indoor, Non-Essential Retail Allowed as of June 15th

Hair Salons and Barber Shops May Reopen on June 22nd

TRENTON – As part of his restart and recovery plan, “The Road Back: Restoring Economic Health Through Public Health,” Governor Phil Murphy today announced that New Jersey will enter Stage Two on June 15, 2020.

Guided by strict protocols from the New Jersey Department of Health, as well as input from the Governor’s Restart and Recovery Commission and complementary Advisory Councils, Stage Two will include outdoor dining for restaurants and indoor, non-essential retail as of June 15th. Beginning on June 22nd, barber shops and salons will be able to reopen. In the period to follow, New Jersey will work toward the gradual opening of personal care, gyms, and health clubs, at reduced capacities as the stage progresses. All of these activities will be allowed pursuant to strict health and safety guidelines that will be issued in the coming days. New Jersey ended maximum restrictions and moved to Stage One on May 18, 2020.

“As we move through Stage One of our strategic restart and recovery process, public health data continues to demonstrate our collective success in flattening the curve of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations,” said Governor Murphy. “It is with these favorable metrics, coupled with expanded testing capacity and contact tracing, that we can responsibly enter Stage Two of our multi-stage approach to recovery. Our economic restart must instill confidence among our residents and visitors that their safety, and that of their families, is our number one priority. I encourage all New Jerseyans to continue their vigilance in keeping themselves and their communities safe by social distancing, wearing face coverings, washing hands frequently, and limiting gatherings.”

Restrictions are relaxed on activities that can be easily safeguarded.

Phased-in businesses and activities, with adherence to safeguarding and modification guidelines, include:

  • Outdoor dining (beginning on June 15th)
  • Limited in-person retail (beginning on June 15th)
  • Hair salons and barber shops (beginning on June 22nd)
  • Youth summer programs (beginning on July 6th)
  • In-person clinical research/labs
  • Limited fitness/gyms
  • Limited in-person government services (e.g. – Motor Vehicle Commission)
  • Museums/libraries

All workers who can work from home should continue to work from home.

Precautions that apply across all stages include:

  • Clinically high-risk individuals who can stay at home should continue to do so.
  • All residents and businesses should follow state and federal safeguarding guidelines:
    • Wash hands
    • Wear masks in public
    • Respect social distancing
    • Minimize gatherings
    • Disinfect workplace and businesses
    • Minimize gatherings 
    • No mass gatherings

New Jersey will move toward subsequent stages based on data that demonstrates improvements in public health and the capacity to safeguard the public, including:

  • Sustained improvements in public health indicators, including new COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, individuals in intensive care, and ventilator use;
  • Substantial increase in testing and contact tracing capacity;
  • Sufficient resilience in New Jersey’s health care system to include adequate bed capacity, ventilators, personal protective equipment, and workforce;
  • Widespread safeguarding of workplaces;
  • Widespread safeguarding and capacity of child care, schools, and mass transit;
  • Continued public compliance.

If public health indicators, safeguarding, or compliance worsen on a sustained basis, New Jersey will be prepared to move back to more restrictive stages as well.

Click here to read the full press release.