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Interfaith Action Movement (I AM) Creating Decennial Census Awareness for 20,000 People

Aiming to reduce under-counts of communities of color and other hard to reach communities

Leaders from faith and community-based organizations, higher education institutions, law enforcement, state, and local government officials, and business leaders have come together to form New Jersey’s Interfaith Action Movement (I AM).

This diverse, action-oriented coalition is coordinating a state-wide strategy to peak awareness of the U.S. Census specifically focused on hard to count (HTC) populations within the state of New Jersey. The I AM efforts centerpiece is a series of Census Family Reunion Sundays slated for September 6, 13, 20 and 27, in advance of the new Census deadline of September 30, 2020.

I AM is led by Rev. Dr. Derrick Green, Senior Advisor for Diversity, Faith, Urban and Regional Growth for New Jersey Governor Phil D. Murphy.


Union Vicinage Landlord/Tenant Virtual Informational Conference

Union Vicinage Special Civil Part judges and staff will explain current landlord/tenant court processes. State, county and community providers will discuss a variety of available services, with a focus on resources for landlords and tenants.

When & Where (click on link to register for Zoom Meeting)

This conference is free and open to the public. Registration is required. For more information or to request an ADA accommodation or interpreter, contact David Beverly at 908-787-1650, ext. 21028 or click to send an email here.

Click here to view and/or download the flyer for this event.

Winfield COVID-19 Walkup Testing @ the Winfield Firehouse on Thursday, August 13th

The Union County Freeholder Board is pleased to announce that the Union County COVID-19 Mobile Test Unit is now visiting various community locations to provide free tests for Union County residents. Any resident can make an appointment for a test, whether or not they have symptoms. No doctor visit or car is needed; all tests are conducted on a walk-up basis with masks and social distance required.

Winfield: Fire Station, 12 Gulfstream Avenue, Thursday, August 13.

Back-Rent Forgiveness for NJ Tenants

Governor Murphy on Friday introduced a new emergency aid program Friday that will allow owners of small rental apartment buildings to tap into a pool of $25 million in grant money to make up for rent that tenants affected by the crisis couldn’t pay from April to July. The landlords who receive the federal funds will then be required to cancel the back rent and late fees those tenants weren’t able to pay in that time. The state’s Small Landlord Emergency Grant program is open to landlords of residential properties with three to 10 units — buildings that are found across the state but are largely inhabited by low- and moderate-income residents in urban areas.

For this program we are standing up $25 million from the Coronavirus Relief Fund established through the Federal CARES Act. This program, which is authorized by the New Jersey Mortgage and Housing Finance Agency, will provide emergency grant funding to the owners of small rental apartment buildings between three and ten units to help cover their COVID-19 related rent losses from April through July. Landlords who receive assistance through this program must then pass along the benefits to their tenants by forgiving outstanding back rent and late fees accumulated during this same period.said Governor Murphy in his press briefing on Friday.

For more information about the program, please click here.

Recap of the Aftermath of Tropical Storm Isaias

The City of Linden was hit harder during this storm than it was during Hurricane Sandy. I want to thank our residents for their patience during this difficult time. There were 575,000 PSEG customers statewide that were without power, which is a quarter of their customer base. Here in Linden over 13,800 PSEG customers lost power. There are still 1,490 customers without power. Global estimated restoration time for all customers is Aug 10th @3pm, possibly sooner. Customers will be restored intermittently between now and then. PSEG and our DPW will be working to rid the hazards on Stiles St at Elm St and Stiles St at Elmwood Terrace.

We have been prioritizing the trees that are down, and those that are on houses and blocking roads are naturally at the top of the list. We are presently 90% through the list. Our State-contracted Independent Contractor is assisting us with clearing the trees. We will then be chipping the large limbs and branches that are in our roadways. On the grass collection days, we will be picking up the branches and limbs along with the grass clippings that residents bring to the curb.

Residents who need to charge their electronics may go either to the Promenade on Wood Avenue (next to Motion Credit Union), or to the JTG Center. The JTG Center will also be used as a cooling station and hours of operation are from 11am to 6pm. Remember that face masks are required along with social distancing.

If your power is out, please make sure to report it to PSEG by phone at 1-800-836-7734, through their website, or by texting the word “OUT” to 47734. PSEG also has opened a Comfort Station at Warinaco Park in Roselle. They are offering free water and ice to Union County residents.

Thank you to the Police Officers, Firefighters, Public Works Department, Dispatchers, OEM Volunteers, Utility Workers and all those who did so much to make sure we weathered the storm!

Thank you,

Mayor Derek Armstead

Governor Murphy reverses indoor gathering rules in NJ after a spike in the spread of coronavirus

Governor Murphy Announces Decreased Indoor Gathering Capacity Limit

Governor Phil Murphy announced the decrease of indoor gathering capacity limit in response to the increase of COVID-19 cases in New Jersey. Indoor gatherings are now limited to 25 percent of a room’s capacity, but regardless of the room’s capacity, the maximum limit shall be 25 persons, down from 100 persons. For purposes of determining this limit, any private residence or residential unit shall be treated as a single room. However, today’s change will not be applicable to the following events: weddings, funerals, memorial services, religious services or celebrations, and political activities. These events may continue under the previous rules that limited these events to 25 percent of a room’s capacity, but with a limit of 100 persons.

“In order to protect public health, we are re-tightening the restriction on indoor gatherings due to uptick of COVID-19 cases in New Jersey,” said Governor Murphy. “We cannot stress enough that large and crowded indoor gatherings, where social distancing isn’t being practiced and face masks aren’t being worn, are not safe. Until there is a significant decrease of COVID-19 cases, these restrictions will continue to be in place.” 

The Order took effect at 6am on Tuesday, August 4.

Click here for a copy of Executive Order #173.

Power Outages in Linden – Update from PSE&G

There are 20,000 PSE&G customers in the City of Linden, and over 1/2 are currently without power. PSE&G is working as quickly as possible to restore power to outage areas, however, there may be customers without power until mid-Thursday morning. PSE&G’s Regional Public Affairs Manager is giving updates directly to the Mayor as they come in, and they will be posted to the City’s Latest News feed.

Do you or someone you know need help paying your energy bill?

Elizabethtown Gas can connect you to financial assistance programs.

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities created the Universal Service Fund program to help low-income households pay
for electric and natural gas service. Eligible New Jersey customers pay no more than six percent of their income for their
natural gas and electric service. The USF program is administered by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs.

For more information, you can visit the NJ State website, call (866) 240 1347 or click here to download the information sheet.

Steam Venting Begins Today, July 9, at Bayway

Steam venting at Bayway will start today as part of unit repair and start-up procedures. The steaming is estimated to continue for several days. The Community Awareness Hotline has been updated with the following message:

  • You have reached the Bayway Community Awareness Hotline 908 523 6005.
  • This is listen-only voice mail box used to communicate messages to the community during unusual circumstances.
  • The following is an operations message updated July 9, 2020.
  • Current Bayway Refinery unit operations are requiring the venting of steam that is creating louder than normal refinery operational noises. 
  • The steam venting is necessary to meet operational safety guidelines and anticipated to continue for a short period of time.
  • Please note that the Refinery is working as quickly as possible to execute unit maintenance and resolve the noise issue. 
  • There are no environmental impacts associated with the venting of steam.

This hotline will be updated needed to communicate with the community.

Nancy P. Sadlo

Manager of Public Affairs


COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program (CVERAP) – Deadline Extension

The CVERAP application deadline has been extended through July 17th.

The NJ Department of Community Affairs is accepting pre-applications for rental help for those affected by COVID-19. You can submit a pre-application anytime of day beginning July 6, 2020 at 9:00am through July 17, 2020, 5:00pm. The website will close at exactly 5:00pm on Friday July 17, 2020; no more applications will be accepted after 5:00pm. 

Pre-applications will only be available online here.

If you do not have access to the Internet, please call our Customer Service number, 609-292-4080, option #1, for assistance. For more information, click here.

Mary Ellen Tango

Director, Linden Social Services