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NJ State Police Recruitment Event

Please join the Coalition for a Safe Community & The NAACP – Atlantic City Branch tonight, April 19th from 6pm until 8pm for a virtual NJ State Police Recruitment Event. Registration is mandatory to attend. Applications will be received through April 23rd at

  • Please send an email to to register for this event.
  • You will be sent a link to join the Microsoft Teams event.
  • Make sure to have Microsoft Teams on your computer, tablet or smartphone before the event.
  • Click here to view and/or download PDF files associated with this event.

Important Notification from New Jersey American Water

As part of an ongoing capital investment project, our crews will be installing new equipment within our Raritan-Millstone Water Treatment Plant, which supplies the water to your area. Weather Permitting, the project will start on Tuesday, March 23rd and should be completed on Thursday, March 25th. During the project, you may experience discolored or cloudy water, or low water pressure. If your water is discolored, run the cold water taps only, at the lowest level of the house for about 3-5 minutes until the water runs clear. You will receive another notification should additional action be required, conditions change, or when repairs have been completed. If you are a landlord and water service is in your name, please inform your tenants so they are aware of this potential impact to their water service. For more information or to see a map of the affected area please click here or call 1 800 272 1325. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while our teams complete this important work.

Union County COVID-19 Interactive Town Hall Meeting

With misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines continuing to run rampant, the Union County Board of County Commissioners will host a virtual, interactive Town Hall on Zoom beginning at 6pm on Monday, March 29th at 6pm. The Town Hall aims to help the Union County community confront the rumors head-on and increase the vaccination rate in communities of color. 

Registration is required for the Zoom link.

Missing Dog @ City Hall – Please Contact City Clerk’s Office!

At about 10:30am this morning, two heroic Linden residents saved the life of this beautiful Yorkshire Terrier when they saw him weaving in and out of traffic on Wood Avenue. They brought him to City Hall, where he is currently being taken care of by our City Clerk’s office.

Please contact the City Clerk’s office at (908) 474-8452 as soon as possible if you are the dog’s owner, or if you know how we can get in touch with the owner(s)!

I kindly request that when you see this post to please spread the word so that the dog’s owner(s) are notified. Thank you for your help!

Mayor Derek Armstead

Changing COVID-19 Restrictions

Indoor Capacity To Increase from 25% to 35% for Select Businesses

Beginning Friday, February 5th at 8am, indoor capacity limits will increase to 35% of stated capacity for food and beverage establishments, personal care businesses, and recreational and entertainment businesses, including gyms, fitness centers, and casinos. Certain indoor gatherings, including religious services and wedding ceremonies, will be limited to 35% of the room’s capacity up to 150 people. Learn more about detailed changes for your specific industry.

State to Lift Requirement to End Bar and Restaurant Service at 10pm

Starting Friday, February 5th, the State requirement to end service in bars and restaurants at 10pm will be lifted. However, municipalities and/or counties may continue to regulate hours of operation after 8pm, giving local officials the ability to respond to unique situations where they notice non-compliance. Read more about these changes for Food and Beverage Establishments.

Governor Murphy’s State of the State Address

In 2021 State of the State Address, Governor Murphy Reaffirms Commitment to Leading New Jersey Through the COVID-19 Pandemic and Building a Stronger, Fairer, and More Resilient Economy for All

TRENTON – Governor Phil Murphy today aired his third State of the State Address from Trenton. Governor Murphy highlighted accomplishments from his first three years in office and reaffirmed his commitment to leading New Jersey through the COVID-19 public health crisis and improving the lives of New Jersey’s families. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the address was pre-recorded without an audience at the Patriots Theater at the Trenton War Memorial and streamed on the Governor’s official social media channels.

“Although wounded deeply, we enter 2021 tougher than ever, wiser than before, and ready to move forward together,” said Governor Murphy. “Despite the ongoing pandemic, our mission of making New Jersey a stronger and fairer state for every family has not changed. We’re proving that the best way to beat COVID-19 is by leaning in to smart investments with a forward-looking, principled vision for the future. Our priorities for the year ahead focus on the public health challenges at hand, while charting a path forward to build a stronger, fairer, and more resilient economy that works for every New Jersey family.”