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NJEDA Virtual Office Hours – March 21, 2025 @ 2pm

NJEDA representatives will make a brief presentation on the Innovation Programs serving NJ’s startup and scaleup companies within the Technology and LifeScience sectors. These programs range from non-dilutive forms of support, e.g., grants and tax incentives, to direct investment opportunities via venture loans and price-based equity investments.

The office hours will start promptly at 2PM and will include time for Q&A and networking. Please note that the registration page also includes links to view prior virtual events, on demand. Our next office hours will be in-person on April 25th from 2pm – 4pm. Registration for the April session will open after March 24th. 

Cybersecurity & Your Small Business: Learn to Protect Yourself

In today’s digital age, safeguarding your small business against cyber threats is crucial.

The New Jersey Small Business Development Center (NJSBDC) invites you to an insightful webinar titled “Cybersecurity and Your Small Business: Learn to Protect Yourself.” This session aims to equip you with essential knowledge and tools to protect your business and customers online.

  • Who – This session is designed for small business owners and managers.
  • What – Learn about the significance of cybersecurity for businesses of all sizes, strategies to protect your business and customers online, steps to take following a potential security breach, and an introduction to the Google Cybersecurity Career Certificate to enhance your team’s skills.
  • When – March 21, 2025 from 11am EST until 12:30pm EST.
  • Where – Virtual.
  • How Register online here.

Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurs – Free Webinar

The NJ Business Action Center (NJBAC), in conjunction with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), and Rutgers Business School, is hosting a free webinar session with Greg Winter, Esq., an experienced attorney and former U.S. Patent and Trademark Office examiner. This webinar provides tools and insights entrepreneurs need to protect their innovations and strengthen their businesses.

Virtual Incubator Program – Information Session

Diverse business owners have historically encountered many obstacles to success. To battle these injustices, UCEDC’s Board of Trustees developed the Virtual Incubator Program, which will enable up to 12 businesses with ownership from an underserved population the opportunity to sustain themselves through these trying economic times by offering education and access to capital.

The Virtual Incubator Program will provide the benefits businesses would get from a traditional business incubator in a virtual setting, in addition to providing access to capital to these entrepreneurs upon completion of the program. While businesses have struggled to find resources in the current economic climate, our goal is to provide them with the support they need. The program will include virtual training sessions, group, and one-on-one mentoring. Upon completion of the incubator program, participants will gain access to an exclusive loan program from UCEDC created specifically for Virtual Incubator Program graduates.

Join UCEDC’s Virtual Incubator Information Session to discover how their Virtual Incubator Program is empowering up to 12 businesses from underserved populations during challenging economic climates. Designed to offer educational resources and facilitate access to capital, this program delivers traditional incubator benefits in a virtual setting, ensuring inclusivity and post-program financial support. During this webinar, learn the core elements of the Virtual Incubator Program, exploring its comprehensive training modules, interactive discussions, and personalized mentoring. Whether you’re a small business owner seeking education, capital, or both, this information session is your gateway to understanding the program’s structure, benefits, and the application process. Get your questions answered by our experts and envision the opportunities that await through the Virtual Incubator Program.

  • To register for the virtual information session – click here.
  • For more information and to apply for the UCEDC Virtual Incubator Program – click here.

Latest Paycheck Protection Program Information

Paycheck Protection Program is Set to End on March 31 – Banks and other businesses are pressing the Biden administration and Congress to keep the federal Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) running beyond its March 31st expiration date, warning that struggling employers need more time to obtain vital business loans. Some banks responsible for doling out billions of dollars in loans under the PPP are beginning to close down their application portals early so they can process applications they have already received.

With Three Weeks Left, Move Fast on Your PPP Loan If you are considering applying for a loan, under the federal Paycheck Protection Program, do it as soon as possible. Here is info on the program.

PPP First & Second Draw Webinar Wednesdays  The SBA Vermont District Office hosts free webinars from 9am until 10:30am on Wednesdays about the Paycheck Protection Program First Draw and Second Draw options. What is a PPP loan, terms, eligibility, and the application process. What is the difference between them? What has changed with the Economic Aid Act? Details on both programs will be presented. To access the webinar, click here. To access the webinar by phone, call 202-765-1264 and enter code 986 011 495#. For more information, email Susan Mazza from the SBA here.

PPP Forgiveness Webinars Tuesdays  The SBA Vermont District Office hosts free webinars from 11:30am until 1pm on Tuesdays about Paycheck Protection Program forgiveness. Topics include criteria, the process, changes and more. To access the webinar, click here. To access the webinar by phone, call 202-765-1264 and enter code 986 011 495#. For more information, email Susan Mazza from the SBA here.

Forgivable Business Loans – Useful Information About PPP

PPP Loans Are Expanding to More Lenders – The Federal Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which reopened this week for community lenders to begin offering forgivable business loans, will expand to allow small banks to offer forgivable PPP loans on Friday and all lenders next Tuesday. (Bloomberg News) 

Info on Paycheck Protection Program Loans – The loans will be available both to first-time applicants and to some returning borrowers. Borrowers seeking a second loan will need to demonstrate a 25% drop in gross receipts between comparable quarters in 2019 and 2020. Second loans will also be limited to companies with 300 or fewer workers, and the amounts will be capped at $2 million. First- and second-time applicants can borrow up to 2.5 times their monthly payroll. (Those in the lodging and food service business who are seeking a second loan can borrow 3.5 times their payroll, a concession to the devastation those industries have faced.) The loans – which are made by banks but backed by the federal government – can be forgiven if borrowers spend at least 60% of the money paying workers and use the rest on other allowable expenses. (The New York Times) 

The Fine Print on the Loans – Guidance and other details from the U.S. Small Business Administration. (The SBA)

How to Get a PPP Loan Forgiven – The SBA said it has received 1.3 million forgiveness applications totaling about $170.5 billion. It has made payment on nearly 85% of the applications, forgiving over $100 billion, the SBA said. Here is how to get a PPP loan forgiven. (ROI-NJ) 

Marketing Strategy in Times of Economic Change

As a small business owner, it sometimes can be challenging to create a spending budget for marketing, given other business-related expenses, even in a healthy economy. Still, you will be challenged even more during tough economic times.  The economy has a direct impact on the way a business promotes its products and services to customers. Understanding the link between the economy and marketing can help you to develop a cost-effective strategy for your business to respond to changes in the economic climate.

In this Union County Economic Development Corporation workshop, we’ll review the basic principles of marketing strategy and the application of the “4Ps of marketing”, SWOT analysis, target marketing, making effective advertising choices, including social media, as part of a complete marketing plan to help your small business navigate in a changing economy while spending your marketing funds in a way that optimizes ROI.

Digital Marketing & Social Media Live Webinar

The Union County Economic Development Corporation, in partnership with the Downtown Cranford Business & Economic Development is presenting a free introductory workshop that addresses the basics of harnessing the power of digital, within the context of your organization’s marketing strategy. Digital marketing is an important part of your promotional mix, and social media platforms are valuable tools to use in your marketing communications strategy. In this workshop, we’ll cover:

  • Using your website to build a foundation for communicating content
  • Integrating digital marketing into your overall promotions
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Key aspects of popular social media platforms

You will gain a fundamental understanding of the core principles of digital marketing, and learn to balance digital techniques with traditional methods, for greater effectiveness.

  • When – December 8, 2020 6pm – 7:30pm
  • Where – Online.
  • Register Click here. Once you register, a webinar link will be emailed to you prior to the event with instructions.
  • Cost – Free.
  • Registration Deadline – 12/8/20 5:30pm (EST)
  • More InformationClick here.

Business Owners in Linden – Tell the State of New Jersey What You Think!

How has your business been impacted by COVID-19? What do you need for a safe and productive recovery? Fill out this online survey to share your story and help guide the State’s recovery plan.

As your businesses and organizations continue planning to ensure the safety of your employees, customers and clients, and visitors, we would like to know more about how the pandemic has impacted you and the challenges you may face in the future. Please help by responding to this short, 10 to 15-minute survey. While the overall summary results from this survey will be made public, we will endeavor to keep your individual responses confidential. With your help, we are confident that the State can help businesses and non-profit organizations safely and equitably recover from this crisis.” – Governor Phil D. Murphy

Click here to fill out the State of New Jersey’s online survey for small business owners.

Digital Marketing & Social Media Webinar

Hosted by the Union County Economic Development Corporation, this introductory webinar addresses the basics of harnessing the power of digital to make it work with your business’s marketing strategy. You’ll leave with a fundamental understanding of the core principles of digital marketing and the know-how to balance digital techniques with traditional methods for greater effectiveness.

Digital marketing is an important part of your promotional mix, and social media platforms are valuable tools to use in your marketing communications strategy.  In this workshop, they’ll cover:

  • Using your website to build a foundation for communicating content
  • Integrating digital marketing into your overall promotions
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Key aspects of popular social media platforms

Event Dates/Times & Registration PLEASE NOTE: Once you have registered, a link to the webinar will be emailed to you prior to the event with instructions.