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Fire Department

Fire Prevention Week

The Linden Fire Department has announced that this year’s fire prevention week will take place during the week of October 4th through October 10th. This year’s theme for Fire Prevention Week 2020 is “Serve Up Fire Safety in the Kitchen.” Cooking is the leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries in the United States. The Linden Fire Department has put together an all-virtual Fire Prevention Week Program that will educate the community on cooking hazards, the dangers of unattended cooking, and precautions they can take to prevent cooking-related fires. In addition, we will be providing you with additional fire Safety Tips as well as the “Fire Is” Program.

Please check out the below links:

Thank you,

Linden Fire Chief William Hasko

Special Message from Linden Fire Department Chief William Hasko Jr

It seems like yesterday, but six months have passed since I took the Oath of Office as the Chief of the Linden Fire Department. At that time, I had no idea that in just four months we would be facing a COVID-19 Pandemic. What I do know is that that I could not be more proud to be the Chief of The Linden Fire Department. The members of this Department never faltered on their promise “to faithfully, impartially and justly perform all the duties of office of firefighter.” They came together and served the public’s needs honorably and professionally. As Chief of the Department, I thank them. In addition, I want everyone to know that The Linden Fire Department is, has and always will be here for you. Lastly, I want to recognized and thank Captain Bryan Kostrey and Firefighter Daryl Roberts for taking the initiative to create this inspiring video.

Fire Chief William Hasko Jr

Message from Linden Fire Department

Please be advised that as of March 17, 2020, Fire Prevention as well as all of the Fire Houses are closed to the public. Anyone who needs applications from Fire Prevention can download them. Once the forms are filled out, they can either be mailed or dropped into the bin that will be outside Fire Prevention entrance during regular business hours Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

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