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City Council Meeting

Notice RE City Caucus, Conference and Council Meetings on August 16th & August 17th

Please click here for the public notice and all other documents pertaining to the upcoming City Caucus, City Conference and City Council Meetings. Information about these meetings has been added to the website’s calendar events below for each meeting accordingly.

Notice RE City Caucus, Conference and Council Meetings on July 19th & July 20th

Please read the attached notice for information about the upcoming City Caucus, City Conference and City Council Meetings. Information about these meetings has been added to the website’s calendar events for each meeting accordingly.

Notice RE City Caucus, Conference and Council Meetings on June 14th and June 15th

Please read the attached notice for information about the upcoming City Caucus, City Conference and City Council Meetings. Information about these meetings has been added to the website’s calendar events for each meeting accordingly.

Notice RE City Caucus, Conference and Council Meetings on May 17th and May 18th

Please read the attached notice for information about the upcoming City Caucus, City Conference and City Council Meetings. Information about these meetings has been added to the website’s calendar events for each meeting accordingly.

Notice RE City Caucus, Conference and Council Meetings on April 19th and 20th

Please read the attached notice for information about the upcoming City Caucus, City Conference and City Council Meetings. Information about these meetings has been added to the website’s calendar events for each meeting accordingly.

Notice RE City Caucus, Conference and Council Meetings on March 15th and 16th

Please read the attached notice for information about the upcoming City Caucus, City Conference and City Council Meetings. Information about these meetings has been added to the website’s calendar events for each meeting accordingly.

Notice RE City Caucus, Conference and Council Meetings on February 15th and 16th

Please read the attached notice for information about the upcoming City Caucus, City Conference and City Council Meetings. Information about these meetings has been added to the website’s calendar events for each meeting accordingly.

Notice RE Special Meeting of the Linden City Council on Wednesday, February 10th, 2021

A Special Meeting of the Linden City Council has been scheduled for Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 6pm. The meeting will be conducted electronically through RingCentral due to the Health Emergency caused by the COVID 19 pandemic. Official action will not be taken and portions of the meeting may be held in Executive Session. The purpose of the meeting is as follows:

  • Snow Removal
  • Emergency Operation Procedure

There is no registration required for this meeting. Members of the Public may access the meeting from their computer, tablet or smartphone by clicking on this link.

Members of the public who may be attending are on mute until the public comment portion of the meeting. If you wish to be recognized please identify yourself. You will then give your name and address, as at any public meeting. Failure to do so, will result in you being muted and not recognized further. When public comment is opened, the ability to register will be closed.

Members of the public can submit comments or questions in writing no later than 2:00pm on the meeting days by email here or by fax to (908) 474-8451. Please include your name and address in the correspondence and title the email “Special Council Public Meeting comment or question.” Notice of this meeting stating the date, place and time has been disseminated as required un the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975.” Electronic notice was provided on February 5, 2021 to the Local Source, Home News Tribune and the Star Ledger, noting that the meeting would be conducted through RingCentral and containing information on how to access the meeting. The same information was posted on the City’s Website, Linden TV, the bulletin board and the front door of City Hall.

Joseph C. Bodek

City Clerk

Click here to view and/or download a PDF of this meeting notice.

Notice RE City Caucus, Conference and Council Meetings on January 18th and 19th

Please read the attached notice for information about the upcoming City Caucus, City Conference and City Council Meetings. Information about these meetings has been added to the website’s calendar events for each meeting accordingly.

Notice RE City Conference and Council Meeting for January 5th, 2021

The City of Linden, Council Conference Meeting Prior to Council Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 6:00 pm. The City of Linden, Council Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 7:00 pm. The meetings will be conducted electronically. Attendance will be via RingCentral due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. At the Conference meeting, official action will not be taken and portions of the meeting may be held in executive session. At the Council meeting, official action will be taken and portions of the meeting may be held in executive session.