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Culture & Heritage Committee

Holiday House Decorating Contest

Mayor Derek Armstead, the City of Linden, and the Linden Cultural & Heritage Committee present the Holiday House Decorating Contest! Let’s light up Linden with holiday spirit!

Click here to view and/or download the informational flyer for this contest.

All homes in Linden that have their holiday lights on from December 12th to December 20th will be judged. No registration required. Winners to be announced on December 28th. Winning homes will be on the City of Linden website, and pictures will be shared on Linden’s Facebook and Nextdoor pages. Gift cards will be delivered to the winning homes. Homes that have won in the past two years will not be eligible.

City of Linden 2022 Tree Lighting

Mayor Derek Armstead and the Cultural & Heritage Committee invite the City of Linden to attend the Annual Holiday Tree Lighting. Enjoy live entertainment, holiday music, refreshments and meet Santa! Starts at 6pm at Linden City Hall. After the tree lighting, Linden families are invited to the Promenade to take pictures with Santa and enjoy refreshments. Children ages ten and under receive a chance to win a bike! Click here to view and/or download the informational flyer for this event.

  • When: Friday, December 2nd, 2022 at 6pm.
  • Where: City Hall

September to Remember Street Festival – Classic Car & Motorcycle Show

Mayor Derek Armstead, the City of Linden, Uptown Linden, and the volunteers of the Linden Cultural & Heritage Committee present September to Remember Street Festival – Classic Car and Motorcycle Show.

  • Who: Fun for all ages.
  • What: Classic & custom car and motorcycle show, DJ & live music events, delicious festival food, eating contents, fun carnival rides, games & activities, beer & wine tent, and a vendor marketplace.
  • Where: On Wood Avenue at Linden City Hall, which is located at 301 North Wood Avenue.
  • When: Saturday, September 24th from 11am until 8pm. Rain date for the street festival only is Sunday, September 25th.

Holiday House Decorating Contest

Let’s light up Linden with Holiday spirit! Mayor Derek Armstead, The City of Linden and The Linden Cultural & Heritage Committee present the Holiday House Decorating Contest!

All homes in Linden that have their holiday lights on from December 12th to December 20th will be judged. No registration required. Winners to be announced December 28th. Winning homes will be on the City of Linden website and pictures will be shared on Linden’s Facebook and Nextdoor pages. Gift cards will be mailed to the winning homes. Homes that have won in the past two years will not be eligible.

Click here to view and/or download information flyer about this event.

City of Linden 2021 Tree Lighting

Mayor Derek Armstead and the Cultural & Heritage Committee invite the City of Linden to attend the Annual Holiday Tree Lighting. Enjoy live entertainment, holiday music, refreshments and meet Santa! Starts at 6pm at Linden City Hall. After the tree lighting, Linden families are invited to the Promenade to take pictures with Santa and enjoy refreshments. Children ages ten and under receive a chance to win a bike! Click here to view and/or download the informational flyer for this event.

  • When: Friday, December 3rd, 2021 at 6pm.
  • Where: City Hall

Linden October Festival – Saturday October 9th

Mayor Derek Armstead, Uptown Linden and the Linden Cultural Heritage Committee invite you to attend the Linden October Festival! Enjoy a street fair with a classic car and motorcycle show, fun games and activities, music and dance performances, carnival rides, and so much more!

  • When: Saturday, October 9, 2021 from 12pm until 8pm
  • Where: Wood Avenue by Linden City Hall

Click here to view and/or download the flyer for this event.

Holiday House Decorating Contest

Let’s light up Linden with Holiday spirit!

All homes in Linden that have their holiday lights on from December 12th to December 20th will be judged. No registration required. Winners to be announced December 28th. Winning homes will be on the City of Linden website and pictures will be shared on Linden’s Facebook and Nextdoor pages. Gift cards will be mailed to the winning homes. Homes that have won in the past two years will not be eligible.

Click here to view and/or download information flyer about this event.

Portugal’s National Day 2020

Today, the City of Linden proudly recognizes Portugal’s National Day, or as it is known by the nation’s locals: Dia de Camões, de Portugal e das Comunidades Portuguesas (“Day of Camões, Portugal, and the Portuguese Communities”). 

June 10th commemorates the emblematic Portuguese author Luís de Camões, writer of the national epic poem published in 1572, Os Lusíadas. Dedicated to the 16th-century King Sebastian, Os Lusíadas lionized Portugal’s era of world exploration through its description of the seafaring trade route found to provide passage to India by navigator Vasco da Gama. Camões’ writing made him into such an indelible symbol of national pride, even the Portuguese language itself is sometimes referred to by its nickname: “The Language of Camões.” 

Along with Camões poem, the pride of Portuguese exploration is also forever encapsulated in the country’s red and green flag. At the intersection of the two colors lies the Portuguese coat of arms sitting on the background of a spherical astrolabe, a tool utilized by early explorers such as Vasco da Gama to navigate their maritime journeys. 

Click here to see the gallery images taken today.

Linden Parks and Recreation has put together a list of different activities and resources for families to utilize during COVID-19.

Visit parks, museums have all sorts of virtual adventures and do fun and interesting activities right from home.



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