Shade Tree Commission Meeting
December 2, 2021
7:00 pm
The City of Linden, Shade Tree Commission meeting has been scheduled for 7pm. The Meeting will be conducted virtually due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Official action may be taken and portions of the meeting may be held in executive session.
The link to join the meeting, the phone number to dial into the meeting and the link to all meeting documents, including a PDF of this notice are available once meeting details are finalized.
Members of the public who may be attending are on mute until the public hearing or during the public comment portion of the meeting. If you wish to be recognized please use the raised hand icon, in the program, to identify yourself. You will then give your name and address. Failure to do so, will result in you being muted, and not recognized further.
Members of the public can submit questions or comments in writing no later than 2pm on both meeting days here or by fax at (908) 474-8451. Please include your name and address in the correspondence and the subject of the email should be “public meeting comment or question”.