Highland Avenue School #10 PTA Virtual Tricky Tray
March 19, 2022
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
The Highland Avenue School 10 Parent Teacher Association is hosting a Virtual Tricky Tray.
- Who: All are welcome!
- What: Fundraiser. 50/50 drawing and birthday calendar raffle. All profits from this even will go towards School #10 PTA events.
- When: Time slots for ticket drops at the school: Friday 3/18 5pm – 10pm and Saturday 3/19 9am – 3pm. Calling to start 5pm virtually on 3/19.
- Where: Live streamed through School #10’s Facebook page.
- How: Please click here to view and/or download the registration form. Tickets $10 per person. Tickets include: entrance to the event, 1 sheet of yellow level 1 tickets & 1 door prize ticket. Discounted ticket bundles available for $50.00 (value $70.00). Bundles include: 2 sheets of yellow level 1 tickets, 15 purple level 2 tickets, 7 orange level 3 tickets, 6 silver level 4 tickets, 1 black grand prize ticket & 1 door prize ticket. **Bundles do NOT include entrance tickets** Tickets & bundles must be purchased by March 4th.
For more information please email here.