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Law Enforcement Exam


Salaries & Benefits

  • The starting salary for a Linden Police Officer is $42,908. Top pay is $119,821 (non-supervisor).
  • College Incentives:
    • Officers with an Associate, Bachelor, Masters, or Doctorate decree are entitled to additional compensation.
    • Officers without a degree can receive 100% reimbursement for all book and tuition costs.

Work Schedule

Officers typically work a 40-hour week on a variety of schedules. Overtime is voluntary, except in unusual circumstances, and is rewarded with premium pay or compensation time.

Holidays, Vacation and Sick Leave

  • There are ten (10) paid holiday each year. Officers may voluntarily choose to cash out up to seven of their holidays for a lump sum payment.
  • Officers are allotted one vacation day per month in the first year of service, as well as three personal days per fiscal year. The initial vacation allotment of twelve (12) days increases after an Officer has completed five (5) years of service and increases at regular intervals after that.
  • Sick leave is allotted.

Health Benefits

  • Officers contribute to their health care premiums determined by salary scale and coverage type.
  • Dental, Prescription, and Vision care is provided by the City at no additional cost.

Leave of Absence

  • Leaves of absence are available for such reasons as: pregnancy, child care, education, family leave or military service. These leaves are usually for not more than a year and must be approved.

Deferred Compensation Plans

  • Members are eligible to participate in a deferred compensation plan or supplemental annuity collective trust plan in order to supplement retirement income.

Life Insurance

  • Enlisted members are covered by a group Life Insurance Policy that provides 3 1/2 times their salary in a lump sum to beneficiaries.


  • Linden Police Officers are member of The New Jersey Police & Fireman’s Retirement System. Officers contribute 10% of their base salary and are eligible to receive compensation of 60% of their final compensation upon completion of twenty-five (25) years of service.
  • For more information about the New Jersey PFRS please click here.
  • Linden Police Officers must retire on the first of the month following their 65th birthday.

Pension Benefits and Disability

  • If an Officer retires because of a job-related accidental disability, he or she receives a pension equal to two-thirds of his or her final compensation. If an Officer retires as a result of a non-job-related disability, he or she is eligible for a pension of no less than forty (40) percent of his or her final compensation.

Linden Police Department Diversity Report

  • Click here to view and/or download the Linden Police Department Diversity Report.
  • Click here to view and/or download the Demographic Comparison Report.
  • Click here to view and/or download the Recruitment Plan.

Selection Process

  • Minimum Qualifications/ Disqualifiers:
  • Veterans Preference:
    • Click here to access the New Jersey Civil Service Veteran’s Information and the Rule of Three.
  • Physical Qualification Test:
    • Click here to view and/or download the Physical Training Standards for Trainees.
  • Law Enforcement Entry Exam Prep Course
    • Click here to register for the Entry Level Law Enforcement Examination Preparatory Course.

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