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City of Linden

Parks & Recreation Programming

To view full class descriptions and register online for the classes, click here. First time registrants are required to call during business hours to have an account set up. For more information, email, or call 908-474-8600. The Parks & Recreation office is located at 330 Helen Street, Linden NJ 07036 Wood Avenue.

Latest Programming Press Release

Linden Emergency Response System (LERS)

Youth Programming

Youth Sewing Classes

Linden Department of Parks and Recreation is offering a Fashion Design, youth virtual sewing class for ages 8-12. In this class participants are taught how to sketch fashion illustrations using fashion figures. This class covers illustration techniques, learning silhouettes and fashion details. Participants also explore color and create a fashion line. The class will be held Saturdays, February 20 through March 20, from 10:00-11:30 a.m. The fee is $40 for this five-week class. The price includes supplies. Pre-registration is required and must be done at least one week before the start of class.

Youth Nature Classes

Linden Department of Parks and Recreation in partnership with New Jersey Audubon is offering a variety of virtual nature classes for children ages 5 & up and adults. Pre-registration is required and must be done at least one week before the start of class.

Youth Chess Classes

Linden Department of Parks and Recreation is offering a Newcomers and Beginners youth virtual chess classes for ages 8-14. Whether you are a newcomer or a beginner at chess, this class will help you with the basics and more. Also, learn about the active environment of kids’ tournament chess. The class will be held Wednesday, January 6 through February 17, from 6:15-7:30 p.m. The fee is $98. Pre-registration is required and must be done at least one week before the start of class.

Youth Trip Around The World

Linden Department of Parks & Recreation is offering a virtual Trip Around the World Series for youth ages 7-13. Each session gives the experience of traveling to a different country with exposure to their food, music, sports and other cultural differences. Participants can sign up for one or all. Pre-registration is required and must be done at least one week before the start of class. The fee is $20 for each session.

Additional Youth Programming


Adult Programming

Adult Yoga

Linden Department of Parks and Recreation announces that Renee Roman of You Me Trapeze joined their staff, teaching senior citizens and adults’ yoga. Renee personally found yoga after being a victim in a serious car accident. Yoga changed Renee’s life.  She became passionate about learning more about yoga and other progressive fitness modalities. To that end, Renee pursued her certification which she received through Yoga Alliance in Barcelona, Spain. She also became certified in Aerial Yoga, Registered Yoga Teacher 200hr and bodyART®, which is a functional total body workout inspired by martial arts, Yin and Yang yoga, physical therapy and classical conditioning. Renee is now driven to share her love of yoga, trapeze, aerial and bodyART®. She teaches at numerous studios across New Jersey and New York City as well as private classes and events. Renee believes that an important key to living an outstanding life is movement. And her warm and welcoming energy will put your worries at ease, and allow you to be present in the moment.  Renee’s motto, “Life is better upside down.”
Pre-registration is required and must be done at least one week before the start of class.

Participants ages 18 and older are led through an energetic class were movement is led by breath, creating a deeper sense of self-awareness while offering a challenging flow building strength, increasing flexibility, range of motion, and mobility. Pranayama (breath work) and meditation are typically introduced. All levels welcomed. Modifications are offered for both the beginner and advanced level. You need a yoga mat and a water bottle close by. Additional yoga props are welcomed but not necessary. Come as you are. The virtual zoom class will be held Thursday, January 7 through Thursday, March 11 from 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. The fee is $60.

Adult Programming Informational Flyers


Senior Citizen Programming

Senior Citizen Winter Lecture Series

Linden Department of Parks & Recreation announces its Senior Citizens winter lecture series line up. Any Linden resident 50 years of age or older are eligible to sign up for this series. Each session is a stand-alone and participants can sign up for one or all. All lectures will be posted on Linden TV 36/42. Pre-registration is required in order to provide class handouts to participants in advance. To view full class descriptions, visit and click on Community Pass.

Senior Citizen Yoga

Linden Department of Parks and Recreation announces that Renee Roman of You Me Trapeze joined their staff, teaching senior citizens and adults’ yoga. Renee personally found yoga after being a victim in a serious car accident. Yoga changed Renee’s life. She became passionate about learning more about yoga and other progressive fitness modalities. To that end, Renee pursued her certification which she received through Yoga Alliance in Barcelona, Spain. She also became certified in Aerial Yoga, Registered Yoga Teacher 200hr and bodyART®, which is a functional total body workout inspired by martial arts, Yin and Yang yoga, physical therapy and classical conditioning. Renee is now driven to share her love of yoga, trapeze, aerial and bodyART®. She teaches at numerous studios across New Jersey and New York City as well as private classes and events. Renee believes that an important key to living an outstanding life is movement. And her warm and welcoming energy will put your worries at ease, and allow you to be present in the moment.  Renee’s motto, “Life is better upside down.”
Pre-registration is required and must be done at least one week before the start of class.

Participants ages 50 and older builds strength, increase flexibility and improve posture and balance while movement is led by one’s breath. This class is designed for mid-life and older adults who may benefit from a slower pace gentle yoga flow. This class is a combination of chair yoga and floor yoga. Students are encouraged to use props, modify poses, transition mindfully and explore their appropriate balance between ease and comfort. Breath work, singing bowls, relaxation and meditation practices are included to encourage stress reduction. Beginners welcome. You need a yoga mat and a water bottle close by. Additional yoga props are welcomed but not necessary. Come as you are. All classes will be posted on Linden TV 36/42. The class will be held Monday, January 4 through Thursday, March 8 from 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. The fee is FREE.

All Senior Citizen Informational Programming Flyers

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