Application Type
Property Information
Limited to 4 unit rental dwellings - Please complete one application per rental unit
Address 2
Enter the address of the rental property and select from the populated dropdown
Property Type
605 Southwood Avenue
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
  • Definitions and Registration
  • Contacts
  • Property Information
  • Fees and Attachments

§ 13-1.1Definitions.

Unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning, the following words or phrases, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings:
The individual or individuals designated by the owner as the person(s) authorized by the owner to perform any duty imposed upon the owner by this section. The term does not necessarily mean a licensed real estate broker or salesman of the State of New Jersey, as those terms are defined by N.J.S.A. 45:15-3; however, such term may include a licensed real estate broker or salesman of the State of New Jersey if such person designated by the owner as his agent is so licensed.
Any apartment, cottage, bungalow, any room or rooms in a rooming/boarding house or other dwelling unit, consisting of one or more rooms occupying all or part of a floor in a building, whether designed with or without housekeeping facilities for dwelling purposes and notwithstanding whether the apartment be designed for residence, for office or the operation of any industry or business or for any other type of independent use. Each unit shall contain no more than one kitchen or cooking facility.
The certificate issued by the City Clerk or his/her designee attesting that the rental unit has been properly registered in accordance with this section.
Any room or rooms or suite or apartment, including any room or rooms in a rooming/boarding house, whether furnished or unfurnished, which is occupied or intended, arranged or designed to be occupied for sleeping or dwelling purposes by one or more persons, including, but not limited to, the owner thereof or any of his servants, agents or employees, and shall include all privileges, services, furnishings, furniture, equipment, facilities and improvements connected with use or occupancy thereof.
The person to whom the certificate is issued pursuant to this section. The term "licensee" includes within its definition the term "agent," where applicable.
Any person or group of persons, firm, corporation or officer thereof, partnership, association or trust who owns, operates, exercises control over or is in charge of a rental facility.
A portion of a rental facility, dwelling commercial unit or dwelling unit shall be considered owner-occupied if the owner makes his primary residence therein. A person may have only one primary residence in the City.
An individual, firm, corporation, partnership, association, trust or other legal entity, or any combination thereof.
Occupied by any person or persons other than the owner, regardless of whether there is a written or oral agreement and regardless of whether the owner receives consideration for the occupancy.
Every building, group of buildings or a portion thereof consisting of fewer than five dwelling units and which has sleeping facilities for fewer than 25 occupants, kept, used, maintained, advertised or held out to be a place where living accommodations are supplied, whether furnished or unfurnished.
A dwelling unit which is available by lease, rental or otherwise to persons other than the owner. "Rental unit" shall not include that portion of a rental facility or dwelling unit that is owner-occupied.
Occupancy of the unit by one or more tenants.
Occupant in a unit other than the owner.
All rental units, as defined in § 13-1.1, except for any building or buildings or structure comprising more than five dwelling units or apartments, shall hereafter be registered with the City Clerk or designee of the City of Linden, on forms which shall be provided for that purpose and which shall be obtained from the City Clerk or his/her designee. Such registration shall occur or an annual basis as provided herein.
Definitions and Registration
City, State, ZIP
Property Owner
Mailing Address
Provide information for someone who may be reached at any time in the event of an emergency affecting the premises, any unit or dwelling space therein, including such emergencies as the failure of any essential service or system, and who has the authority to make emergency decisions concerning the premises, any unit or dwelling space, and any immediate repair and expenditures in connection thereof.
Phone #
Who is filling this application?
Owner Age
Emergency Contact Person
Are you protected by Daniel's Law?
Applicant Information
Phone #
Phone #
Complete Name
City, State, ZIP
Is owner a senior citizen? (65+)
Complete Name
Complete Name
City, State, ZIP
Heating Information
Is Fuel Oil used?
Current Mortgage Holder Information (If applicable)
Does the Property Owner provide the Fuel Oil used?
Tenant Information (If applicable)
Provide the names and addresses of every holder of the recorded mortgage on the premises:
Company Nme
Full Address, City, State, ZIP
Provide the tenant and lease information for every unit being rented: (only for RESIDENTIAL tenants - not COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL)
Are there any tenants at the time of application?
If the answer to any of the above is Yes, provide the name, address and contact information for the most recent fuel oil provider.
Current Maintenance Service (If applicable)
Phone #
Fuel Oil Company
# of the Superintendent, janitor, custodian, or other individual employed by the owner or agent to provide regular maintenance service if any.
Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
Registration Fee $100/Unit
Late Fees $50.00/Month, up to 90 days
Please attach a floor plan.
*If the building was constructed on or before 1978, please call the health department.
I hereby declare and affirm that I am the legal owner or authorized agent of the legal owner of this property, and that all information on this form is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

I, the legal owner or authorized agent of the legal owner of this property, understand that failure to comply with state, county, and local ordinances regarding residential rental dwelling units will result in legal action, which can include but is not limited to Notices of Violation, summons to Municipal Court, property liens, and other penalties.
  • Please call the Board of Health to schedule an inspection at 908-474-8409.
Year that Rental Facility Building was Constructed
Year Property Built:
Fee Schedule
Estimated Amount Due