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City of Linden

Youth Karate

Martial Arts gives children a positive way to burn calories and socialize with quality friends. Your child will learn important life skills including: confidence, self-discipline, loyalty, respect, perseverance, honor and self-control.

Classes open to children ages 5 through 15. $50 fee plus $6 insurance if not already paid with another class.

To view full class description and register online, click here. In person registration is available 9:00am-4:00pm at the JTG Center, 330 Helen Street or the Linden Multi-Purpose Center, 1025 John Street. Online registration available 24/7.

All first time registrants are required to call during business hours to have an account set up. For more information, email us here, or call 908-474-8600. The Department accepts checks, money orders, Visa/MC. Please make check or money order payable to: The City of Linden.

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