Site icon City of Linden

Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Special Meeting

A Special Meeting of the Linden Board of Alcoholic Beverage Control has been scheduled for Wednesday, August 16, 2023 at 4pm. The meeting will be held in the Council Caucus Room.

The purpose of the meeting is as follows:

  1. Pre-Hearing on Charges against License #2009-33-037-009, Nocturno Inc. t/a Menga Lounge.

Official action will be taken. Portions of the meeting may be held in executive session.

This Special Meeting was called pursuant to the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law. Notice of this meeting was sent via e-mail to the Local Source, The Star Ledger and the Home News Tribune on Thursday, August 10, 2023. In addition, copies of this notice were posted on the bulletin board in City Hall.

Joseph C. Bodek
City Clerk

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