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Linden Economic Development Corporation (LEDC)

Linden Economic Development Corporation’s mission is to encourage economic growth in Linden. We’re working with and for communities, putting Linden residents’ needs before everything else. For us, economic development is about more than just the bottom line; it’s also about human impact. That’s why we are investing in the jobs, industries, and communities that will drive Linden’s economic future and make our city stronger, safer, and more equitable.

Redevelopment is defined as the legal process undertaken by a municipality or other governmental body to help enhance, revitalize, rehabilitate or rebuild “areas in need of redevelopment” as defined by the New Jersey Redevelopment Law (i.e. “blighted areas”). You may also contact Alex Lospinoso, the Director of the LEDC for more information.

Photo Galleries

Pilot Presentation & Educational Forum on February 19, 2020

Current Project – Linden Station Apartment Project

City of Linden: Linden Station Apartments Project, June 10, 2020

Citivillage Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

City of Linden: Citivillage Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, August 25, 2020

Linden Logistics Center Project

City of Linden: Linden Logistics Center Project, June 2, 2020

Redevelopment Educational Forum

Aries Energy Groundbreaking Ceremony

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